1758 April 16 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 61, Luk. 22 to v. 39; preached a.m. on Exod. 31.12.13. Improved chiefly the Exercise on [that?] Text — but with frequent alterations. The Occasion was, I spent my Time chiefly in preparing a Discourse on Isa. 57.1.2, which I delivered on occasion of the Sorrowful News of the Death of my much esteemed Brother in the Ministry, the Rev. learned and pious Mr. Jonathan Edwards — March 22, last who dyed at Nassau-Hall, being lately removed from Stockbridge to be President of that College. An inexpressible Loss! The Lord Sanctify it to me for my greatest Quickening! The Lord Pity His Churches, the again so Suddenly bereaved College and Family — especially His Mournful Handmaids Edwards and Burr! N.B. Mrs. Steward, the Widow (of Mr. Bezaleel) Smith, and Mr. Noah Hows wife dine with us.