1757 April 1 (Friday). Messrs. Snow and Gale, clabboarding etc. Mr. Benjamin How here to look of Walnut Chairs my wife bought for Lucy at Marlborough and are some of them much broken — that he may mend ‘em. Moderate weather, but cloudy and sometimes snows — an uncommon season for frequency of foul weather.
Month: April 1757
April 2, 1757
1757 April 2 (Saturday). Messrs. Snow and Gale. They finish the Pediment of the West Door and windows etc. And they go home at Evening.
April 3, 1757
1757 April 3 (Sunday). Depended upon Changing with Mr. Martyn, but it proved so Stormy that I could not go. I wrote this morning an Exposition of the Chapter to be read, viz. 2 King 9, which I delivered for the forenoon Exercise. P.M. read Mark 3 and preached on Joh. 14.6. N.B. Joseph Rice, dressed as a Soldier was here in the morning in his way to Marlborough where he and the rest of our Soldiers from this Company are billetted: he desires prayers, and I gave him Solemn Admonition and Charge.
April 4, 1757
1757 April 4 (Monday). Mr. Jonathan Whipple, having deceased last Saturday, was interred p.m. He was in his 79th year. I read his Will to the Mourners at my House. But I was in Some surprize when I found that though I wrote it my Self, there were but two Witnesses, who had signed it. But Mr. Francis Said he Should not object against it. Conscious of the Danger that Mr. David Maynard was in the like Case (writ by me, and in my keeping) I went over to old Mr. Maynard and acquainted him with it and Since I did See him sign, Seal and publish and declare his, and likewise did see the witnesses Sign (as I remember being with them and guiding them in what they did), I therefore, at his Desire, and in their Sight, Signed as Witness also. This was also in presence of two of the Heirs, Nathan and Hannah Maynard. This I apprehended to be my Duty to do; and might justly and in Truth do; and this notwithstanding the Date of the Will, for that is not the Date of the Signing. N.B. Mr. Snow and Gale not at work to Day. N.B. Mr. Nic. Bryard a soldier requests me to preach to the Soldiers who are quartered in this Town.
April 5, 1757
1757 April 5 (Tuesday). Snow and Gale. In no Small Difficulty about a further Supply of Board Nails for them, there being none at either of the Traders in Town. Sent to Boston by Mr. Charles Bruce. Employed in preparing a Sermon to the Soldiers.
April 6, 1757
1757 April 6 (Wednesday). Preached to the Soldiers from Luk. 3.14. Bryard, who had Spoke to me in the Name of the rest, there with 7 or 8 Soldiers besides. Our own are at Marlborough and therefore did not attend. Snow and Gale — and attend etc.
April 7, 1757
1757 April 7 (Thursday). My Carpenters here. N.B. my Nails not coming from Boston a Disquietment — borrowed 100 of Mr. Warrin and 100 of Mr. Biglow. It was the greater Trouble to me as it was at a Time when I was preparing to preach again to Day. And p.m. did so at Mr. Zebulon or rather Mr. Charles Rice’s. On Song 2.4, latter part. O may we all be under Christs Banner and may we experience it to be Love!
April 8, 1757
1757 April 8 (Friday). Messrs. Snow and Gale finish their work for this turn and each receives a Note to the Collector in full. Mr. Snow of 10£ 9s, and Mr. Gale of 15£ old Tenor each. Mrs. Miller here full of obliging and affectionate regards. She teaches Sarah to make a particular kind of Gartering. N.B. At Eve Lt. Rolf brings home my Boots New Vamped. My Troubles and Disquietments by So many Avocations etc. almost unsupportable.
April 9, 1757
1757 April 9 (Saturday). [No entry.]
April 10, 1757
1757 April 10 (Sunday). I rode over to Mr. Martyn’s, and he hither. I preached there a. and p.m. on Ezek. 22.30. P.M. read v. 31. Returned at Evening. Mr. Martyn preached here a.m. on Ps. 79.8.9, p.m. on Jer. 7.12, and baptized 3 Children, Eunice, Daniel and Asa, children of Timothy Warrin, Jonas Twitchel, and Artemus Bruce. He went home at Eve.
April 11, 1757
1757 April 11 (Monday). [No entry.]
April 12, 1757
1757 April 12 (Tuesday). I rode to Southborough, it being Ministers Meeting there. For Mr. Barret at whose House it was appointed to be excused himself through want of Hay. There were but few present. Messrs. Cushing, Martyn, Smith, and Mellen. Neither Conc[ioto?]r nor Lecturer came. Mr. Stone read us a Discourse on Rom. 13.14. There were no Collections, but a passage I read out of Mr. Lorings Convention sermon, concerning ministers union Friendship, and Meeting together.[1] This I would have to be transcribed and sent to him, since he so unreasonably withdraws and separates himself, and this they thought was very fit to be done.
[1] Israel Loring, Ministers Insufficient of Themselves Rightly to Discharge the Duties of Their Sacred Calling, Shewed in a Sermon Preached at the Convention of Ministers of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, N.E. at Boston. On Thursday, May 27. 1742 (Boston: Printed by Tho. Fleet, for D. Henchman in Cornhill, 1742). Evans 4990.
April 13, 1757
1757 April 13 (Wednesday). It was very much insisted for and pressed that I would preach the Lecture. I could not without Difficulty comply. Was obliged to write a great deal of the Application there. I preached on 1 Joh. 2.18. N.B. after Sermon Mr. Mellen had many Things to Say which we endeavoured to Answer. My Wife rode to Boston to Day, and Lt. Tainter waited on her. My son went with his Team to Brookfield to work on the Gilbert place. I returned home. My Tabernacle in peace. D.G. Little Sophy weaning, and takes it tolerably.
April 14, 1757
1757 April 14 (Thursday). P.M. Adam Rice ploughs for me — but with my own Creatures. Mrs. Beckky Warrin here.
April 15, 1757
1757 April 15 (Friday). Stormy though not much Rain falls. My Wife with Deacon Tainter, returns from Boston, and safely. D.G.
April 16, 1757
1757 April 16 (Saturday). [No entry.]
April 17, 1757
1757 April 17 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 10. Preached on Joh. 14.6 — the Life. P.M. read Mark 4 and preached on v. 25, using the Exposition of Mat. 13.12, for I chose to deliver all I had prepared on the forenoon Text, at one Exercise. May the glorious God magnifie His mercy towards me and His people, in bringing us into the happy Experience of divine Life from the Lord Jesus Christ and may we live for ever, through Him!
April 18, 1757
1757 April 18 (Monday). Deacon Kimbal came to plaister my Bedroom, Entry etc. Amon Blanc worked for me — partly in the Garden and partly tending the Mason. P.M. Mr. Dunlop in the Garden, and p.m. Mrs. Mary Nurse at work, making Breeches for Alex. and Samuel. So many different persons at work proves an unwelcome Avocation at Such a Time as this.
April 19, 1757
1757 April 19 (Tuesday). Deacon, Dunlop, Amon, Mrs. Mary at work, but a far greater Hindrance to my Studys from Visits made me by Messrs. LeBlanc and Joseph Robishow, who dined with me.
April 20, 1757
1757 April 20 (Wednesday). Deacon, Amon and Mrs. Mary. My wife very ill last Night — but was better when she got up. Was able to finish a New Plad Gown for me. Capt. Baldwin having received no Letter from me concerning the Alteration of the Time of his Marriage from the 21st Day as was proposed, by reason of the publick Fast, to the 28th (but yet I Sent one by Mr. Abner Rice of Brookfield) came here this Evening, and lodged here. N.B. his horse was Sent to Esquire Bakers to be kept there.
April 21, 1757
1757 April 21 (Thursday). Publick Fast, on account of the Signal Advantages which the French gained over us in the Year Past, and on Account of our present Circumstances. I preached a.m. on 2 Chr. 6.34.35, repeating sermon on 1 K. 8.44.45. P.M. preached on Ps. 78, v. 34 to 37, which May God bless (as to the Special and Saving Good of the people, So to my own)! I desire to lament my unpreparedness and Slothfulness. May the Lord quicken me, and recover me!
April 22, 1757
1757 April 22 (Friday). Rain. Baldwin can’t journey to Sudbury as he proposed. Mrs. Mary Nurse here, making me a black Jacket, the Cloth of which was given by Mrs. Maynard last Fall was 12 Month. Mr. Martyn and his Daughter Minot (to my great interruption, though at another time it would be to my great pleasure) made us a Visit, and lodge here.
April 23, 1757
1757 April 23 (Saturday). Rainy. Mr. Martyn and his Daughter tarry to dine with us. P.M. they return. Can do very little in my preparations for preaching, which fills me with much sorrow and Grief. Ebenezer returned from Brookfield.
April 24, 1757
1757 April 24 (Sunday). Ebenezer and his Wife came (to my sorrow) so late as this morning with their Relations. They were admitted after the forenoon Exercise into the Church. I read 2 K. 11. Repeated sermon on Song 1.12. Administered the Lords Supper. P.M. omitted the public reading. Repeated Sermon on Ps. 4.7 to page 9.
April 25, 1757
1757 April 25 (Monday). Mr. Moses Nurse ploughs part of my Stubble at the Island field. P.M. The French Girls here. I rode to Ensign Millers — and called at Blanc’s in the Evening as I returned home. Can make very little progress in Opening his mind or convincing him of Errors. Our Conversation of little other avail than to promote Civility and Benevolence.
April 26, 1757
1757 April 26 (Tuesday). Mr. Moses ploughs again, and with Neighbor Barny Newtons Oxen added to his, and my sons Steers break up the Balk next the Road.
April 27, 1757
1757 April 27 (Wednesday). Mrs. Green, wife of Mr. Joseph Green junior being Sick I visited her, and went also to See Mr. Joseph Knowlton in his Sorrows for the Loss of his late excellent wife: himself is decaying apace, and his Son Joseph is also in a Languishing Condition. P.M. Mr. Dunlop here and sows divers sorts of Seeds in my Garden.
April 28, 1757
1757 April 28 (Thursday). Capt. Baldwin Came, accompanyed by his Brother Nahum but his Father and Mother, whom I had writ to, came not. My son Thomas went to Mr. Stones of Southborough and brought up Miss Huldah. P.M. Mr. Martyn and his wife came. My Son Ebenezer and his Wife; at Eve Mr. John Martyn junior and his wife — and at the Edge of Evening the Marriage of my Daughter Lucy was Solemniz’d by Rev. Mr. Martyn. May God make ‘em an happy Couple; but especially Heirs of the Grace of Eternal Life! Mr. Martyn and his wife lodged here; and Miss Huldah Stone, who is come to stay with us a while to assist Lucy in her preparations for Brookfield.
April 29, 1757
1757 April 29 (Friday). I waited on the Company, to visit Monsieur LeBlanc and his Family. We were besides my wife, and the New marryed Couple, Mr. Martyn and his wife, Mr. Nahum Baldwin and Miss Huldah, and my son Thomas. We returned home to dine, and took Magdalene and Mary, Since we could not obtain the man and his wife, to dine with us. Isa. 58.7. P.M. Mr. Martyn and his wife went home: Mr. N. Baldwin left us to go to a Meeting on Military Affairs in Framingham. In so much Encumbrances and Avocation am sadly impeded in my preparing for the sabbath.
April 30, 1757
1757 April 30 (Saturday). [No entry.]