1757 March 1 (Tuesday). My Wife rides to Marlborough to get a Pair of New Stays made by Miss Nanny Woods; and buy Billy a Castor Hatt. Returns at Eve. Dr. Crosby and Mr. John Martyn junior dined with me. P.M. I went again to see Mr. Blanc.
Month: March 1757
March 2, 1757
1757 March 2 (Wednesday). My son William leaves me to go to ‘Prentice to Capt. Jeduthan Baldwin at Brookfield. My son Ebenezer goes up with him. Mr. Martyn and his Wife dine with me, and tarry till Evening when I went to justice Bakers, where I marryed Mr. Jn. Martyn junior and Mrs. Nabby. When we had supped Mr. Martyn and his Wife returned here and lodged.
March 3, 1757
1757 March 3 (Thursday). Mr. M. and wife went home. Their son carryed home his Wife to his own House. Thomas and Lucy wait upon ‘em (as they did the last night). Mr. Barrachias Morse dined here. P.M. preached at the Widow Newtons on Joh. 4.24, latter part. Dr. Crosby here and brought me a Cap he had bought for me at Boston. N.B. Ephraim How of Brookfield here at night, and lodges here, but his Horse is kept at Mr. Nurse’s.
March 4, 1757
1757 March 4 (Friday). Mr. Ephraim How pursues his Journey. He seems to be a serious young man; and it is Surely a great pleasure to see such.
March 5, 1757
1757 March 5 (Saturday). [No entry.]
March 6, 1757
1757 March 6 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 6 and Mat. 28. Preached a. and p.m. on Luk. 9.62. O that it might please God to bless the word to our Saving Good! I have put my Hand to the Gospel-Plough in a double respect, and desire to be humbled that in so many regards have Seemed to look back. The Lord humble and quicken me! N.B. My wife goes with Mr. Edwards Whipple to his Wife’s Groaning. Troublesome getting to Meeting and but few there.
March 7, 1757
1757 March 7 (Monday). The Town Sent Mr. Williams and Mr. Jacob Rice to desire me to pray with them previous to their Election of Town Officers. I did accordingly. N.B. had some serious Discourse with Ensign Josiah Rice respecting his son Joseph who, as I have heard has behaved very disorderly of late.
March 8, 1757
1757 March 8 (Tuesday). Sent a Letter to Mr. Benjamin Lull by his son in Law Rogers. N.B. had a troublesome Walk in the Evening from the widow Rogers’s whither I went to carry my Letter — it being Dark, muddy and lowery. Near home struck my Leg against a stump and wounded my right Legg very sorrowfully which gave me great Uneasiness most of the Night.
March 9, 1757
1757 March 9 (Wednesday). Mr. Martyn preached an Excellent Sermon at my Lecture from Ezek. 3.7, which may God bless to the moving and melting our Hard Hearts! I was glad to see so many at Lecture and wish with all my Heart it may prove a Time of divine Grace with us. N.B. Prudence Hardy having put out her Angle [sic], came to our House with Mrs. Parker, the Bone setter, and had it Sett.
March 10, 1757
1757 March 10 (Thursday). A Stormy Day yet the Company were called together by Capt. Fay to See who would list upon a Designed Expedition. They gathered into the Meeting House and I prayed with them there. My son Ebenezer mentions his Desire to join with the Church.
March 11, 1757
1757 March 11 (Friday). Mr. Batheric talks with me about taking my other place to the halves.
March 12, 1757
1757 March 12 (Saturday). Bought two shoats of Neighbour Alpheus Newton alive at 12d per pound.
March 13, 1757
1757 March 13 (Sunday). Omitted reading publickly. Preached a.m. on Joh. 14.6. Lucy was admitted into the Church. I administered the Sacrament of the Supper. Deacon Tainter waited (with Deacon Bond). Deacon Tainter and Mrs. How dined here. P.M. omitted reading publickly. Preached on Luk. 9.62. May God Succeed it! At the Concluding of the Exercises it rained hard. My sons wife with her Child, and Mrs. Mercy Chamberlin tarryed and lodged here.
March 14, 1757
1757 March 14 (Monday). Neighbour Alpheus Newton brings the 2 Swine I bought of him of the 12th. One a Barrow, the other a sow. Weighed, the former 96, the other 84, so that they come to nine Pound old Tenor. Mr. Batheric came and agreed to take my old Place to the halves. He desires me to write the Terms on which he is to take it. My Daughter in Law, and Lucy go to Watertown in my Chair. A very fine, Spring like Day. P.M. visit and pray with old Mr. Maynard.
March 15, 1757
1757 March 15 (Tuesday). A.M. Stormy. The Life of Prince Eugene. P.M. visit Old Mr. Whipple. Visit also Mr. Joseph Knowltons Family. His Wife in a very low Condition, in much Danger. Mr. Cushing came. At his, and their importunity I prayed. When I returned to Mr. Whipple’s, prayed with him and Supped there.
March 16, 1757
1757 March 16 (Wednesday). My wife and I rode over to Mr. Martyns. Dined there. Preached his Lecture on Judg. 14.14. Cold weather. Called at Young Mr. Martyn’s. Returned home at Eve.
March 17, 1757
1757 March 17 (Thursday). Rugged Morning; yet Mr. Jabez Snow and Mr. Gale came to work in the Kitchin. They make Stairs to go up into the Kitchin Chamber. Mr. Joseph Batchellor here, and informs that John Harrington is to be executed to Day, at Cambridge. The Sermon to be preached to him at Charle[s]town.
March 18, 1757
1757 March 18 (Friday). Mr. Snow and Gale lodged here last night, and work here to Day. They are about the Stairs aforesaid. P.M. Mr. Francis Whipple came for me to visit his Father who grows worse. I went, examined and prayed with him. He entertains much Hope in his Death. The Carpenters work this Eve, though not last: and lodge here.
March 19, 1757
1757 March 19 (Saturday). The Carpenters put on Boards under the Clabboarding, put up the West-Stair Case Window and heading etc. They prove a great Interruption and impediment to me in my studys.
March 20, 1757
1757 March 20 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 7. Preached on Joh. 14.6. Mrs. Kelly wife of Mr. Richard or Long Kelly, dined with us. P.M. read Mark 1. Repeated sermon on 1 Sam. 25.32.33 to page [blank]. Was much tired at night, but may God refresh my inner man! We have heard that Lucy was ill at Brother Harringtons at Watertown, and therefore could not go to Boston as She purposed.
March 21, 1757
1757 March 21 (Monday). The Carpenters here to Day — making the North Door, and Heading for the West Door. Lowery, that they cant Clabboard. At Night came Capt. Baldwin and lodged here.
March 22, 1757
1757 March 22 (Tuesday). Capt. B. rode away early for Boston. To Day a General Training through out the Province to press men if they have not enlisted, to go to War against the French. A very stormy Time; snow, Wind, and Cold. Our Company met at the Meeting House; and I prayed with them there.
March 23, 1757
1757 March 23 (Wednesday). Another Stormy Day — and very Cold. Mr. Gale came to Work: but Mr. Snow did not. I read the History of Prince Eugene. Mr. Gale lodges here.
March 24, 1757
1757 March 24 (Thursday). A fine Day, but a very winterish prospect. Mr. Gale alone to Day also. P.M. My little John, who has been several Times before delivered from Death, was remarkably Saved, though he fell from the Chamber down upon one of the Great Stones of the Kitchin Hearth. All hearty Praise be given to the glorious God his preserver. Walked up to Mr. Alphy Newton’s to buy Boards of his Brother Abner; and there were Capt. B. Wood and his Wife from Hopkinton, who I hear are about to take that old Place.
March 25, 1757
1757 March 25 (Friday). Mr. Snow came to work again; with Mr. Gale who lodges (as well as works) here. A.M. I borrowed Mr. Nurses Mare and rode to Mr. Eliezer Rice’s — break fast there on fresh Fish. Visit Old Mr. Whipple who grows much weaker, and I fear draws near his great Change. Nor is he in Terror at it, but thinks, God having wrought a good work in him, his Hope is well grounded. I prayed with him. He gave his dying Testimony to the Christian Religion and the Expediency of our waiting upon God in the Ordinances of His Appointment. He was greatly rejoiced at my Coming. When I took leave, his reply was, “Farewell, my Father!” But with what Shame and Grief does it fill me that I So little deserve this! P.M. Abner Newton brought me the Boards I lately went for — viz. 206 feet — for which I gave him 50/ old Tenor, they being though white pine very much Culled. Snowed again. A sorrowful Time with those who want Hay; as I hear many do. The Carpenters lodge here. Lucy returned home.
March 26, 1757
1757 March 26 (Saturday). They work to Day also. Snow and sometimes Rain, but neither very Cold nor windy. Capt. Baldwin dined here, and desires he maybe marryed on April 21, to which I consent.
March 27, 1757
1757 March 27 (Sunday). Very rainy — had agreed to change with Mr. Martyn, and so depended upon it that I was not prepared to preach at home yet the Weather prevented. I read a.m. 2 K. 8. Repeated the rest of Sermon on 1 Sam. 25.32.33. P.M. read Mark 2. Repeated Expository Exercises on Mat. 12.38.39.
March 28, 1757
1757 March 28 (Monday). Mr. Gale at work but Mr. Snow did not come. N.B. Mr. Samuel Fay junior greatly offended with my wife innocently commending his. He said people envied him his Happiness and found fault with divine Providence. P.M. my wife and I visit old Mr. Whipple who is yet alive, and a little revived.
March 29, 1757
1757 March 29 (Tuesday). Muster of the Soldiers listed or pressed in Coll. Williams Regiment. The Coll. etc. at Lt. Maynards. Mr. Gale at work on Cellar Stairs. Messrs. Cushing and Maynard Executors of late Dr. Smiths will, Settle Account with me.
March 30, 1757
1757 March 30 (Wednesday). Mr. Gale. Very Stormy — Rain, snow, etc.
March 31, 1757
1757 March 31 (Thursday). Mr. Gale — Mr. Snow p.m. I rode to old Mrs. Maynards and to Mr. Hows — dined at Mr. Hows — visit at Several Houses at the plain. P.M. ride south upon divers occasions — was at LeBlanc’s. Examine my son Ebenezer in the Evening. Mr. Gale rides home on my Mare and lodges at home: Mr. Snow lodges here. Bright day.