1757 January 17 (Monday). Very Cold. Mr. Thomas Goodenow dines here. P.M. Billy to an Artillery Training at Mr. Benjamin Tainters. Mr. Rolf here, brings me a pair of Cork shooes. I read Dr. Sewals and Mr. Prince’s sermons on the Death of the late Venerable and Pious Mr. secretary Willard. O that God would raise up others such into Public Offices, for with Him is the Residue of the Spirit! At Eve my Son Ebenezer here. He is under considerable Affliction by his Mare’s being lame. He had let her to Joseph Baker to go to Marblehead and was kicked by an horse in a stable. This proves a bad sore. Poor Daniel How, in a distracted Condition here. God be thanked that We enjoy our senses! May God pity such as are destitute, and give me and mine the Grace to make a good use of the powers vouchsafed us!