December 1, 1754

1754 December 1 (Sunday).  With much adoe my Mind was brought into some Composedness.  Omitted reading both a. and p.m.  Preach’d on Rev. 5.9, a.m.  On Acts 16.29.30 p.m.  N.B. was oblig’d to deliver a great part of the latter Exercise without any Writing — the former part was a repetition of Sermon on the Text.  N.B. Mrs. Chamberlin of Stockbridge, and Deacon Forbush din’d here.  Mrs. Chamberlin lodg’d here.

December 2, 1754

1754 December 2 (Monday).  Sent for Mr. Jonathan Forbush and acquainted him with what I had met with respecting the Pew.  Agreed with him that he should pay for and build and improve the Pew as long as I liv’d — but at my Decease he shall return it to my Family and give them Legal Conveyance of it, they repaying him the price he pays and for the building it; and indemnifying him with respect to his Seat in the Meeting House otherwhere.  This is consents to [sic] — upon Supposition he outlives me, but does not bind his Heirs thereto if he decease first.  This he also declar’d in the hearing of my Wife.  N.B. Mrs. Chamberlin here.  N.B. Town Meeting to Call in Town Debts; at which my son Ebenezer very hardly gets his Bill for boarding the Schoolmaster, Mr. Foster, granted.  Is forc’d to abate from 35/ Old Tenor to 30/ per week.

December 3, 1754

1754 December 3 (Tuesday).  My son Forbush here.  My wife goes with him to Boston on Mr. Jonathan Forbush’s Mare, and he takes Mrs. Chamblerin’s which She was otherwise to have rid on.  Mrs. Chamberlin remaining Still with us.  N.B. Mr. Jonathan Forbush brought me my promissory Notes from the Treasurer Hardy given for the Pew, and so ends that Affair.  Only now my son Forbush heard his Brother Jonathan declare (as yesterday in the hearing of my Wife) concerning giving up the Pew to my Heirs if he outlives me.  N.B. Mr. Phinehas Rice of Grafton here and wants copys of the Papers against Mr. Hutchinson.

December 4, 1754

1754 December 4 (Wednesday).  In the Morning had some Discourse with Treasurer Hardy concerning the Taking away the Pew from me in that violent manner.  Mrs. Chamberlin left us to go to Captain Forbush’s.  Though it rain’d I rode over the North End and preach’d Mr. Martyns Lecture.  Text Rom. 7.9.  I return’d at Eve.  My son Thomas has been lathing his Shop.  Mr. Gale having finish’d the work he had to do there in preparing for the Mason.

December 15, 1754

1754 December 15 (Sunday).  Preach’d there a. and p.m. on Rom. 7.9.  N.B. Consulted with the Deacons Whipple and How, Major Willard and 2 sons and Mr. Brooks and his son, about baptizing Mr. Hezekiah Taylors, and Mr. Jonathan Rolf’s Child — and requested their Minds concerning my giving Copys of their papers which were given in to the Ministers concerning Mr. Hutchinson: and they were generally of the Mind that it was best to wave it for the present — nay and not to gratifie anyone that would be likely to disturb their peace till the Church’s Consent to it shall be obtain’d.  P.M. I baptiz’d the following Children — Hannah, of Hezekiah and Abigail Taylor; Lucy, of Aaron and Elizabeth Brigham; Elizabeth, of Jonathan and Abigail Rolf.  At Eve came to see me Messrs. Arnold, Isaac Harrington, and Stephen Prentice.  Mr. Hutchinson return’d, having preach’d on Rom. 10.10, and John 12.46.

December 28, 1754

1754 December 28 (Saturday).  Sent Billy over to help his Brother in the forenoon.  P.M. Mr. John Chamberlin of Stockbridge here.  Brings my volume of Chubbs Tracts[1] from Mr. Edwards.  He informs me that Mr. Edwards is very weak and brought down by the Fever and Ague, which has follow’d for some months past, and that the Captain Cuncauput is return’d, a great many of the Stockbridge Indians, perhaps two Thirds of them are gone from the Town.  N.B. Mr. Eleazer Williams brought a Load of Wood.

[1]Thomas Chubb, Three Tracts (London, 1727) or A Collection of Tracts on Various Subjects (London, 1730).

December 29, 1754

1754 December 29 (Sunday).  Read 1 Sam. 21.  Preach’d a. and p.m. on Acts 9.6 carrying on the Subject begun from Acts 16.29.30, but p.m. in Application endeavouring to stir up Conviction and Humiliation Shewing the Evil Nature of Sin.  I us’d from page 2 to page 12 of Sermon on Job 33.27.  Mr. John Chamberlin of Stockbridge din’d here.  N.B. my Son and Daughter gave Thanks for the little Token of the Divine Goodness to them.  But what a Damp it is to my Joy that they have not lain hold on God’s Covenant for themselves or their Offspring!  The Lord give me an heart Seriously to reflect upon it!

December 30, 1754

1754 December 30 (Monday).  My Wife and I rode over in the Slay to visit our Children and dine there.  Return’d at Eve home.  N.B. My Daughter in Some comfort, Blessed be the Lord who heals her!  and the Child in a hopefull State.  It was represented very Small, but by its Weight appears near middling (as they Speak) and though they had many Thoughts to call it Mary, yet agree to call it Elizabeth.

December 31, 1754

1754 December 31 (Tuesday).  A considerable storm of Rain and Snow.  We are in Some Difficulty for want of Wood.  Mr. Jeduthun Baldwin came here last Evening.  He goes to Worcester this Morning in his Journey to Brookfield.  Three of my Sons having lain with Noah Forbush at t’other House, we fear have taken a Troublesome Distemper, and are using Some Means to drive it out if they have, and another which they have probably infected with them.  Thus Ends this Year, in which we have in General had through Divine Mercy much Health of Body, but not a few Straits, Cares, and Difficultys.  God be pleas’d to sanctifie them and prepare us for what we have yet to conflict with especially our final Departure out of this State which has many Scenes of Sin and Trouble.