December 25, 1750

1750 December 25 (Tuesday).  I hear that Several of my Neighbours, particularly Eliezer Rice and his Wife are trapesing over to Hopkinton to keep Christmas there.[1]  Were any of them rationally and Sincerely Enquiring and Examining into the Grounds of the Controversie between the prelatists and the Dissenters it were a far different Case; but they manifest only a Spirit of unsteddiness.  May God grant ‘em a Sight and Sense of their Folly and Childishness!  P.M. Mr. Martyn and Mr. Smith of Marlborough made us a Visit and tarried till Evening.  My Son Thomas is gradually providing him Tools etc. for setting up his Trade.  His prospering herein is a Matter that lyes much upon my Mind from Day to Day.  May God afford us the wisdom which may be profitable to direct!

[1]The celebration of Christmas by the Anglicans led by Commissary Roger Price was deplored by the Puritans.