May 30, 1750

1750 May 30 (Wednesday).  Endeavour’d to keep Election at home.  After Dinner we Sung part of the eightieth psalm.  P.M. came old Mr. Maynard and old Mr. Whipple to see me.  Read ‘em those parts of Mr. Prince’s Chronology[1] which contains the Beginnings of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonys.  Endeavour’d to be myself and to make my Family etc. sensible of God’s Favours to New England.  The Lord make us truely Thankfull for them, preserve them and grant Grace to improve them!

[1]Thomas Prince, A Chronological History of New England in the Form of Annals, 2 vols. (Boston, 1736-[1755]).  The second volume was published with the title Annals of New- England.