May 21, 1750

1750 May 21 (Monday).  Mr. Hutchinson to Grafton.  My Wife and I to Mr. Beemans raising his Barn.  Ebenezer and Joseph there.  After Dinner we went to Lieutenant Bruce’s to move his Barn.  Whilst I was there came Lieutenant Tainter, and told me we had Some other Duty to attend, for that poor Jonas Child had hang’d himself and was Dead: and it was desir’d that I would go to his House forthwith.  I did So, Mrs. Parkman with me.  I went up to the Scaffold and Saw him (miserable Creature!) a ghastly, lifeless Corps.  How awful the Dispensation!  One of the Members of the Church!  God’s Judgments are a great Deep!  unsearchable!  and his Ways past finding out!  A multitude were gather’d, and the Coroner came, Lieutenant Hezekiah Ward, the distress’d widow and Relatives desiring it, I pray’d with them and took Leave.  May the Lord (of his infinite Mercy) Sanctifie this terrible Stroke to us all!  Tis very worthy of my Notice that I have never had opportunity to Speak with this poor Man in all this Time of his perplexity and Temptation though I have been to his House to see him one Time after another.  It fills me with Grief and Trouble.  O that we might all be quicken’d — to a consciencious Discharge of every Duty; careful improvement of the Day and Means of Grace; watchfulness against the Snares and Temptations of the Devil; against quenching the holy Spirit of Grace, or so much as grieving the Spirit or provoking Him to withdraw from us.  Jury Satt up all night.