May 13, 1750

1750 May 13 (Sunday).  Read Exod. 23.  Mr. Bellamy preach’d from Job 22.21.  He din’d with me at Justice Bakers.  P.M. I read John 1, Mr. Bellamy from Luke 16.30.  His Exercises were very moving as well as enlightening.  Would fervently pray and hope there may be a Saving Influence of the Spirit of Grace accompanying.  N.B. I am much concern’d for our Brother Jonas Child, who I hear is often making attempts upon his Life.  If it did not rain So hard this Evening I Should not rest without going to See him: yet he was at meeting to Day, and Set the Tune, Sweetly and agreeably as ever.  Savoury and entertaining Conversation with Mr. Bellamy, whom I find an ingenious as well as Pious Man.