1746 June 19 (Thursday). Preach’d at Shrewsbury Lecture on Rom. 6.13. Yield yourself to God. N.B. Not many at meeting. There was a Training yesterday and another to be tomorrow — besides that it was good weather for Business after much hindrance by the late Rains. N.B. Captain Caleb Johnsons[1] House was greatly wreck’d by the Thunder Yesterday Morning and the Lives of the Family marvellously Spar’d. N.B. Lieutenant Stone[2] came to Speak with me about my Letter, lately Sent to Mr. Cushing in which it was Suppos’d I severely check’d the Young Society there for their undutifulness to their pastor. I had prepar’d an Answer and deliver’d it by Lieutenant’s Hands. At Eve when I return’d to my own House I found there Mr. Elisha Whittlesey of Wallingford and Mrs. Sara Noyes[3] of New Haven who lodg’d here.
[1]Of Shrewsbury. Ward, Shrewsbury, p. 336.
[2]Isaac Stone was at one time selectman of Shrewsbury.
[3]Wife of the Reverend Joseph Noyes of New Haven.