January 20, 1744

1744 January 20 (Friday).  Nine Men came and got Wood.  Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt, James Bradish, Eleazer Williams, Noah How, Paul Newton,[1] Elijah Rice, Thomas Winchester, Solomon Baker[2] and James Maynard.  12 Large Load.  N.B. Trouble in the Young Mens Society on account of Richard Roberts a young Man of Grafton who is hir’d to keep School on the South west Corner of the town, and who being a serious and Religious person many are desirous should meet with them but Nathan Maynard chiefly opposes it (he being a New Light) and they bring the Difficulty to me.  I sent for Nathan and he Came and gave his Reasons.  But I advis’d that Roberts defer his meeting till the society can be a little more Compos’d.

[1]Son of Deacon Josiah Newton.

[2]Son of Edward Baker.