May 23, 1742

1742 May 23 (Sunday).  Mr. Jenison preached here on Joh. 13.13, Dan. 5.12.  I preached on the North side on 2 Cor. 6.2 and baptized Josiah Bowkers Daughter Damaris.  N.B. Dined at Capt. Eagers.  At Eve Called at Ensign Maynards to visit Mrs. Wheeler[1] of Concord (heretofore Rebecca Lee) who was under a grievous Melancholly and nigh Despair and Destraction.  She was with me yesterday by the Endeavour of her sister Mrs. Jemima Miles.

[1]Rebecca Lee, dau. of Henery and Rebeckah Lee, b. Oct. 31, 1715 (Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1635-1850 [Boston: Beacon Press for The Town, 1894], 86), mar. Benjamin Wheeler, Apr. 6, 1737 (ibid., 132).