May 6, 1742

1742 May 6 (Thursday).  Thomas planted part of the upper Field.  Mr. Paterson[1] an Irishman from Stoddard Town here.  N.B. He had been one of those that had fallen into a Strange Fit by the pressure of his Distress at hearing the word preached.  P.M. I preached at Capt. Fays on Eph. 5.14, Sermon ii.  Rainy.  Mr. Benjamin Fay[2] came home with me at Eve in the Rain.  N.B. I repeated that sermon because of divers people being at a great Loss about the Doctrine held forth therein.

[1]Not otherwise identified.

[2]Benjamin Fay (1712-1777) and his wife Martha joined the church, July 26, 1741 (WCR, 58).