1742 May 2 (Sunday). On Eph. 5.14. P.M. repeated on Heb. 13.17 to page 19, occasioned by the late Separation of Mr. Frink from his pastoral office. Mrs. Bathsheba Pratt here, being greatly distressed for the Hardness of her Heart notwithstanding that She had been a member in full Communion above 20 Years.[1] N.B. Lieut. Holloway and Mr. Joseph Woods[2] dined with us. I gave Account to the Church at Eve of our Transactions and success at Rutland.
[1]“Bersheba” Pratt, a member of the Marlborough church, was admitted to the Westborough church, July 25, 1725 (WCR, 2).
[2]This may have been the same Joseph Woods who Parkman said was “of Southborough” (Jan. 23, 1738). That Joseph Woods, b. Aug. 20, 1705; mar. Thankful _____; and had one son in Southborough, Seth, b. Oct. 9, 1738 (Southborough VR, 85), who lived in Westborough; Ermina Newton Leonard, Newton Genealogy, Genealogical, Biographical, Historical, Being a Record of the Descendants of Richard Newton… (De Pere, Wisconsin, 1915), 367 n.