1742 May 1 (Saturday). Stephen Fay here upon Soul accounts. Fowl weather. Thomas gott out Corn.
Month: May 1742
May 2, 1742
1742 May 2 (Sunday). On Eph. 5.14. P.M. repeated on Heb. 13.17 to page 19, occasioned by the late Separation of Mr. Frink from his pastoral office. Mrs. Bathsheba Pratt here, being greatly distressed for the Hardness of her Heart notwithstanding that She had been a member in full Communion above 20 Years.[1] N.B. Lieut. Holloway and Mr. Joseph Woods[2] dined with us. I gave Account to the Church at Eve of our Transactions and success at Rutland.
[1]“Bersheba” Pratt, a member of the Marlborough church, was admitted to the Westborough church, July 25, 1725 (WCR, 2).
[2]This may have been the same Joseph Woods who Parkman said was “of Southborough” (Jan. 23, 1738). That Joseph Woods, b. Aug. 20, 1705; mar. Thankful _____; and had one son in Southborough, Seth, b. Oct. 9, 1738 (Southborough VR, 85), who lived in Westborough; Ermina Newton Leonard, Newton Genealogy, Genealogical, Biographical, Historical, Being a Record of the Descendants of Richard Newton… (De Pere, Wisconsin, 1915), 367 n.
May 3, 1742
1742 May 3 (Monday). Rainy still. Thomas about various Things, chiefly the Fences. Had a sow Pigg of Neighbour Chamberlain. One Mr. Green of Leicester here.
May 4, 1742
1742 May 4 (Tuesday). Catechized at the Meeting House a. and p.m. but had but a slender Number of either Boys or Girls. Little William carryed to Nurse at Ensign Mainards.
May 5, 1742
1742 May 5 (Wednesday). My Wife rode to Cambridge. I rode with her as far as Marlborough, but both of us soaked through with an heavy Shower in the woods between Westborough and Southborough back of Lieutenant Brighams Pond. I attended the fast Exercises at Old Capt. Brighams, which were occasioned by the dull, unactive and very insensible state he was fallen into and had been in for more than a Year: I preached on Mic. 7.7, Mr. Smith having prayed before sermon. In the latter Exercise I prayed and Mr. Prentice of Grafton preached upon Ezek. 36.37. I returned home at Eve.
May 6, 1742
1742 May 6 (Thursday). Thomas planted part of the upper Field. Mr. Paterson[1] an Irishman from Stoddard Town here. N.B. He had been one of those that had fallen into a Strange Fit by the pressure of his Distress at hearing the word preached. P.M. I preached at Capt. Fays on Eph. 5.14, Sermon ii. Rainy. Mr. Benjamin Fay[2] came home with me at Eve in the Rain. N.B. I repeated that sermon because of divers people being at a great Loss about the Doctrine held forth therein.
[1]Not otherwise identified.
[2]Benjamin Fay (1712-1777) and his wife Martha joined the church, July 26, 1741 (WCR, 58).
May 7, 1742
1742 May 7 (Friday). Thomas planting. Mary Bradish with me on account of her Spiritual Troubles. Cousen Winchester also. Fair pleasant a.m., lowery p.m. Ensign Maynard here — informed that little William was not well.
May 8, 1742
1742 May 8 (Saturday). Finished planting our Fields. Mr. Deming[1] came; at the my Request he stayed with us. Mr. Jenison came in the Eve designing to preach for me if I wanted Help. Providence cast in a fine parsel of Pond Fish, by Jonathan Rogers.
[1]David Deming (1681-1746), Harvard 1700, minister at Cromwell, Connecticut, 1703-1711; Needham, 1713-1714; Medway, 1715-1722; supply minister, Lyme, Connecticut, 1723-1730, and North Lyme, Connecticut, 1736; SHG, 4:518-19.
May 9, 1742
1742 May 9 (Sunday). Mr. Deming a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 5.17. Both Mr. Deming and Mr. Jenison tarryed with me over the Sabbath. A Remarkable Forwardness of the Spring. Frequent Rains etc.
May 10, 1742
1742 May 10 (Monday). Mr. Deming went to Mr. Beemans. Mr. Jenison to keeping School on the North side of the Town. Mr. Williams with me, and Mr. Beriah Rice also.
May 11, 1742
1742 May 11 (Tuesday). Mr. Bliss here, in his Journey to Grafton and Sutton. I rode Mr. Benjamin Hows Horse to Shrewsbury and preached to the Society of Lads there, on 2 Cor. 6.2. At Eve rode home with Mr. Williams and Mr. Whipple.
May 12, 1742
1742 May 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Smith of Marlborough preached to the Young Men of the first Society on 1 Chr. 28.9, a good usefull sermon. Mr. Cushing and Mr. Jenison were also here. Mr. Smith rode away immediately after Exercise on occasion of his Neighbours setting him up a Barn Frame this afternoon. Hopes of my Wife this Evening blasted. Thomas getting Posts.
May 13, 1742
1742 May 13 (Thursday). I rode Neighbour Barns’s Horse to Marlborough and preached the Lecture on Eph. 5.14. Rain yet returned at Eve hoping to See my Wife but neither did she return this Night. The Night very rainy — Thunder, Lightning.
May 14, 1742
1742 May 14 (Friday). Rainy Morning. Clear p.m. Mrs. Williams here again — Sarah Bellows[1] — Daniel Stone[2] and his wife — all of them Candidates for the Communion. At Eve my Wife returned, and in safety. Blessed be God! Mr. John Mead[3] lodged here.
[1]Sarah Bellows, daughter of Eleazer and Sarah Bellows, was admitted to the church, May 30, 1742 (WCR, 62). She married Phinehas Forbush, Jan. 5, 1743 (WVR, 123).
[2]Daniel and Mary Stone were admitted to the church, May 30, 1742 (WCR, 62), and dismissed to Hardwick, Aug. 17, 1747 (WCR, 80).
[3]When John Mead died, Sept. 28, 1771, Parkman noted, “Tis conjectured in his 82d year. He was Mr. President Lock’s great Uncle.” Samuel Locke (1732-1778), Harvard 1755 (SHG, 13:620-27), served as Harvard’s president, 1770-1773.
May 15, 1742
May 16, 1742
1742 May 16 (Sunday). A.M. on Eph. 5.14. P.M. on Ps. 16.2. Mr. Thomas Warrin and his wife dined with us.
May 17, 1742
1742 May 17 (Monday). I rode to Mr. Jesse Brighams. Phinehas Forbush[1] with me upon his Souls Distresses. N.B. News from Grafton that Mr. Philemon Robbins[2] preached there yesterday and Twenty or More persons fell down with Distress and Anguish. Mr. Smith, Taylor, at work here.
[1]Phinehas Forbush (1721-1747) was admitted into the church, July 11, 1742 (WCR, 63).
[2]Philemon Robbins (1709-1781), Harvard 1729, minister at Branford, Connecticut, 1733-1781; SHG, 8:616-27.
May 18, 1742
1742 May 18 (Tuesday). Exercise to young women on Ps. 73.24. Mrs. Brown[1] of Leicester (Mother of Mrs. Chamberlain) here. Mrs. Edwards[2] from Northampton and Searl[3] a Freshman of N.H. College, here; and lodged here.
[1]Marcy Brown mar. John Chamberlain, Mar. 12, 1741; LVR, 129. Two children of John and Mercy Chamberlain were baptized, Apr. 1, 1744. Mercy (or Marcy) had owned the covenant at Leicester (WCR, 69). When their son Samuel was baptized, they were “now of Stockbridge,” May 2, 1756 (WCR, 105).
[2]Sarah (Pierpont) Edwards, dau. of Rev. James Pierpont (1660-1714), Harvard 1681, minister of New Haven (SHG, 3:222-30) and wife of Jonathan Edwards.
[3]John Searle (1721-1787), Yale 1745, minister at Sharon, Connecticut, 1748-1754; Stoneham, 1759-1776; Royalton, Vermont, 1783-1787; DYG, 2:53-55.
May 19, 1742
1742 May 19 (Wednesday). Very rainy Morning. Sweet Converse with Mrs. Edwards, a very eminent Christian. ½ after eleven I left home and rode to Sutton Fast. Preached there on Eph. 5.14. After Meeting an elderly Woman, one Mrs. White (whose Husband is a Baptist) So overcome that She was led into Mr. Halls. She Seemed to be in great Distress — but She had much Joy and Love. At Evening Dr. Morss and divers others came in and Sung.
May 20, 1742
1742 May 20 (Thursday). I had determined to go to Worcester to see the Prisoner, Green, whom I had lately writ to on occasion of his turning Quaker. But I could not go from Mr. Halls seasonably enough — Mr. Hall and his wife[1] went with me to Brother Hicks’s, who has got his New place into a very good way. I dined at Grafton. Mrs. Prentice[2] very full of Spiritual Things. I rode home and with my wife went over to Mr. Lulls. Preached there on 1 Thess. 1.10. And after that Exercise, I preached in half an Hour (at their Special Request) to the Young society on that side of the Town, on Ps. 119.59. At Evening Solemnized the Marriage of Jonas Child to Sibyl Shattuck and Jonathan Cutting to Sarah Ball. These Nuptial Solemnitys were at Capt. Eagers. N.B. Mr. Jenison made the last prayer. N.B. Thomas getting Fencing Stuff.
[1]Elizabeth (Prescott) Hall, wife of Rev. David Hall of Sutton.
[2]Sarah (Sartell) Prentice, wife of Solomon Prentice, minister of Grafton.
May 21, 1742
1742 May 21 (Friday). My wife rode with me to Stephen Fays where I preached on Mat. 3.10. The Assembly Somewhat Considerable being there was a Town Meeting at the Same Time to choose a Representative — Ensign Maynard chose but refused. Town then concluded not to send. I had a great Cold.
May 22, 1742
1742 May 22 (Saturday). Mr. Smith the Taylor has been here all this week to make me a Jackett and Thomme a Bannian.
May 23, 1742
1742 May 23 (Sunday). Mr. Jenison preached here on Joh. 13.13, Dan. 5.12. I preached on the North side on 2 Cor. 6.2 and baptized Josiah Bowkers Daughter Damaris. N.B. Dined at Capt. Eagers. At Eve Called at Ensign Maynards to visit Mrs. Wheeler[1] of Concord (heretofore Rebecca Lee) who was under a grievous Melancholly and nigh Despair and Destraction. She was with me yesterday by the Endeavour of her sister Mrs. Jemima Miles.
[1]Rebecca Lee, dau. of Henery and Rebeckah Lee, b. Oct. 31, 1715 (Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1635-1850 [Boston: Beacon Press for The Town, 1894], 86), mar. Benjamin Wheeler, Apr. 6, 1737 (ibid., 132).
May 24, 1742
1742 May 24 (Monday). Did not go down to Cambridge being under several Disappointments. Mrs. Wheeler of Concord here again. Exceeding Fine Weather. Thomas Clearing.
May 25, 1742
1742 May 25 (Tuesday). Rode away somewhat Early. Dined at Waltham. Rode to Cambridge and Charleston before night. At Boston My Brother Alexander sick of a Fever. As is Cousen John Parkman — and his sister Elizabeth also languishes in a Consumption. Cousen Benjamin lately come from Pensylvania Lame in one arm which is enfeebled and Bound up. Lodged with Cousen Elias.
May 26, 1742
1742 May 26 (Wednesday). At the sale of Capt. Samuel Greenwoods[1] Books and bought several. Mr. Appleton preached Excellently to the Court from Ps. 72.1.2. I dined at Brother Alexander’s where was my Aged, venerable Mother. P.M. when I went to Dr. Sewals there was but a thin Appearance of Ministers upon which I heard Mr. John Caldwell at the French Meeting House. The Drift was against False Prophets; and not without Bitterness mixt with his Witt and Sense. I sat very uneasy — and went out as soon as it was done. Went up to Mr. Chaunceys,[2] the Convention being adjourned. Some Number of ministers there, congratulating him upon his being made Doctor of Divinity by the University of Edinborough. Our Conversation was upon Assurance, the Ground of it, the Manner of Obtaining it, and the Special Operation of the Holy Spirit therein. A very usefull Conversation, Mr. Barnard and others having talked very judiciously and piously upon it. Sought Mrs. Edwards fruitlessly.
[1]Samuel Greenwood (1690-1742), Harvard 1709; SHG, 5:481-83.
[2]Charles Chauncy (1705-1787), Harvard 1721, minister of Boston’s First Church, 1727-1787. SHG, 6:439-67.
May 27, 1742
1742 May 27 (Thursday). Mr. Loring preached to the Ministers from 2 Cor. 2.16, last Clause. The Contribution (I understood) amounted to 230£. Dined at Mr. Hubbards, where were Coll. Lincoln and several other Gentlemen but no Ministers. P.M. I went to Dr. Chauncys where was a very Considerable Number of Ministers in Conversation upon the present State of Things with respect to Religion. At Mr. Fosters about my [Plush?] etc. etc.
May 28, 1742
1742 May 28 (Friday). I rode from Boston to Cambridge and thence home. N.B. Mr. James Thornton (uncle to Mr. Caldwell) in Company — Mr. Caleb Rice — and part of the way Mr. Cushing. N.B. Mr. Morehead and Mr. Caldwells Differences at Boston brought before Capt. F. Wells to be decided — but not issued.
May 29, 1742
1742 May 29 (Saturday). Thomas had done something of the Weeding. Mrs. Edwards and young Searl with her in her Journey to Northampton. N.B. Coll. Ward laid out 2 1/4 Acres on the East of my Land.
May 30, 1742
1742 May 30 (Sunday). On Song 2.16. N.B. Mrs. Edwards’s Conversation very wonderfull — her sense of Divine Things.
May 31, 1742
1742 May 31 (Monday). I rode with Mrs. Edwards up to Shrewsbury but could not proceed to Worcester as I had purposed, because my mare was lame without a foreshooe which could not be sett seasonably nor could I go to Marlborough to Proprietors Meeting because I grew much indisposed.