1739 May 31 (Thursday). N.B. Mr. Samuel Cook, Mr. Pierce[1] of Dartmouth etc. lodg’d at Brother Elias’s. I lodg’d at Brother Williams. I was at the Convention. N.B. Letters from Mr. Holden of London. The Sermon by Mr. Eels[2] on 1 Sam. 4.13. The Collection £171 and odd money. Din’d at Mr. Checkleys.[3] Return’d to the Convention p.m. Visited Mrs. Keggell,[4] Mrs. Clark, etc. Lodg’d at Brother Williams.
[1]Rev. Richard Pierce (HC 1724), minister at New Bedford, Mass.,1733-1749. SHG, 7:429-31.
[2]Rev. Nathaniel Eels (HC 1699), minister at Norwell, Mass., 1704-1750. SHG, 4:468-71.
[3]Rev. Samuel Checkley of Boston.
[4]Mrs. Abel Keggell, a cousin of Mrs. Parkman.