April 20, 1756

1756 April 20 (Tuesday).  I left Elisha Jones at work and went to the Association at Marlborough.  I called at Mr. Barns’s and endeavoured to put some stop to the Troubles which he was involved in by an Execution in behalf of Mr. Green at Worcester, and would have traded with him for a little piece of Land joining to my Farm where my son lives, and chiefly for the Sake of the Damm there; but in vain.  My sons affair with him I could not meddle with.  At Mr. Smiths were nine or ten of us together.  Mr. Martyn gave us a laboured Concio on Isa. 2.5, first v.  At Eve Dr. Morse was called away.  Messrs. Seccomb, Goss, Davis and I lodged at my Kinswomans Mrs. Anna Brighams.  N.B. had Capt. Maynards Horse.