December 7, 1750

1750 December 7 (Friday).  Mr. Maccarty[1] and Mr. Wellman,[2] came from Mr. Beans[3] Ordination at Wrentham, were here and din’d — Sent home to Mr. Cushings Father Calmets Dictionary[4] Volume 3.  My Sons finish’d husking.

[1]The Reverend Thaddeus Maccarty of Worcester.

[2]The Reverend James Wellman of Millbury.

[3]Joseph Bean (Harvard 1748), the minister of the First Congregational Church in Wrentham, 1750-1784.  Sibley, XII, 240-242.

[4]Augustin Calmet, An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible, 3 vols. (London, 1732).