May 23, 1742

1742 May 23 (Sunday).  Mr. Jenison preached here on Joh. 13.13, Dan. 5.12.  I preached on the North side on 2 Cor. 6.2 and baptized Josiah Bowkers Daughter Damaris.  N.B. Dined at Capt. Eagers.  At Eve Called at Ensign Maynards to visit Mrs. Wheeler[1] of Concord (heretofore Rebecca Lee) who was under a grievous Melancholly and nigh Despair and Destraction.  She was with me yesterday by the Endeavour of her sister Mrs. Jemima Miles.

[1]Rebecca Lee, dau. of Henery and Rebeckah Lee, b. Oct. 31, 1715 (Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1635-1850 [Boston: Beacon Press for The Town, 1894], 86), mar. Benjamin Wheeler, Apr. 6, 1737 (ibid., 132).

May 25, 1742

1742 May 25 (Tuesday).  Rode away somewhat Early.  Dined at Waltham.  Rode to Cambridge and Charleston before night.  At Boston My Brother Alexander sick of a Fever.  As is Cousen John Parkman — and his sister Elizabeth also languishes in a Consumption.  Cousen Benjamin lately come from Pensylvania Lame in one arm which is enfeebled and Bound up.  Lodged with Cousen Elias.

May 26, 1742

1742 May 26 (Wednesday).  At the sale of Capt. Samuel Greenwoods[1] Books and bought several.  Mr. Appleton preached Excellently to the Court from Ps. 72.1.2.  I dined at Brother Alexander’s where was my Aged, venerable Mother.  P.M. when I went to Dr. Sewals there was but a thin Appearance of Ministers upon which I heard Mr. John Caldwell at the French Meeting House.  The Drift was against False Prophets; and not without Bitterness mixt with his Witt and Sense.  I sat very uneasy — and went out as soon as it was done.  Went up to Mr. Chaunceys,[2] the Convention being adjourned.  Some Number of ministers there, congratulating him upon his being made Doctor of Divinity by the University of Edinborough.  Our Conversation was upon Assurance, the Ground of it, the Manner of Obtaining it, and the Special Operation of the Holy Spirit therein.  A very usefull Conversation, Mr. Barnard and others having talked very judiciously and piously upon it.  Sought Mrs. Edwards fruitlessly.

[1]Samuel Greenwood (1690-1742), Harvard 1709; SHG, 5:481-83.

[2]Charles Chauncy (1705-1787), Harvard 1721, minister of Boston’s First Church, 1727-1787.  SHG, 6:439-67.

May 27, 1742

1742 May 27 (Thursday).  Mr. Loring preached to the Ministers from 2 Cor. 2.16, last Clause.  The Contribution (I understood) amounted to 230£.  Dined at Mr. Hubbards, where were Coll. Lincoln and several other Gentlemen but no Ministers.  P.M. I went to Dr. Chauncys where was a very Considerable Number of Ministers in Conversation upon the present State of Things with respect to Religion.  At Mr. Fosters about my [Plush?] etc. etc.

May 28, 1742

1742 May 28 (Friday).  I rode from Boston to Cambridge and thence home.  N.B. Mr. James Thornton (uncle to Mr. Caldwell) in Company — Mr. Caleb Rice — and part of the way Mr. Cushing.  N.B. Mr. Morehead and Mr. Caldwells Differences at Boston brought before Capt. F. Wells to be decided — but not issued.

June 1, 1742

1742 June 1 (Tuesday).  Rode to Worcester.  Dined at Mr. Burrs.  Mr. Campbell[1] there.  We all went to the Jayl to see poor Green the prisoner.  I went in alone to him in the first place hoping for some free discourse with him.  I perceived he was turned over to the principles of Quakerism.  Mr. Campbell and Mr. Burr and a number of other persons came in — the prisoner grew very bold and Said he had the Spirit and that they that have the Spirit have the holy anointing and need not that any one should teach them for they know all Things.  When he depreciated Ordinances as being of no Value, and upon Mr. Burrs asking him whether he would not go out to meeting if he might, had answered that he did not desire it, I insisted upon the Distinction between the Jewish Ordinances and the Institutions of Christ.  He insulted me in an ungrateful manner with telling me I would Defend what got me a good living.  Seeing him in such a Frame Mr. Campbell was urgent for us to go and would  stay no longer with him.  N.B. I fear his frett was in some Measure owing to this, that last  Saturday Several Quakers came to see him but the sheriff denyed them Entrance to him — and although Mr. Burr knew nothing of it till last night yet perhaps it was laid to him as the Adviser to it; for which he might be  offended both with him and with us as Soon as he Saw us.  I returned home at Eve.  Mr. Campbell accompanying as far as Mr. Barbers[2] in Shrewsbury where Mr. Morrison[3] (a Scotch Minister) lay sick.

[1]John Campbell (1691-1761) Edinburgh, 1716, minister at Oxford, 1721-1761; Weis, Colonial Clergy, 49.

[2]Possibly Matthew Barber of Western who mar. Mary Blair, Jan. 31, 1727 (Shrewsbury VR, 123); the birth of one child, Mar. 9, 1728, is in the Shrewsbury VR, 14

[3]Probably Evander Morrison, born in Scotland, d. in Hartford, Jan. 30, 1762; Frederick Lewis Weis, “The Colonial Clergy of the Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, 1628-1776,” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s., 66 (Oct. 1956), 277.  The date of Morrison’s death is from the Diary of Rev. Daniel Wadsworth, Seventh Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Hartford, with Notes by the Fourteenth Pastor (Hartford: Case, Lockwood, & Brainard, 1894), 41 n. 1.

June 8, 1742

1742 June 8 (Tuesday).  Rain.  Brother Hicks here.  Mr. Wheeler[1] at Evening opposing my late Doctrine from Eph. 5.14 That the Natural Man can do Nothing but what is sinfull.

[1]Joseph Wheeler (1700-1747), listed by Parkman among the first inhabitants of Westborough (WCR flyleaf) and among the men who signed the covenant at the church’s founding (WCR, 379).

June 10, 1742

1742 June 10 (Thursday).  Brother Hicks went home.  Mr. Chamberlain of Newtown and his wife, here.  I Catechized at Lieutenant Holloways.  N.B. Thunder Storm as soon as I got there.  At Eve visited Mr. Billings where lay his Mother Fay very bad of a Rheumatism — and the widow Rice.[1]

[1]Mary, widow of Thomas Rice.  She was the daughter of Adam and Hannah Holloway and the widow of Nathaniel Oak.

June 15, 1742

1742 June 15 (Tuesday).  Much interrupted in the Morning with Mr. Joseph Wheeler who takes Exception against the Doctrines I deliver one Sabbath after another.  I rode to Mr. Lorings of Sudbury, where the Association met.  There were Mr. J. Prentice, Mr. Cushing, Mr. N. Stone and Mr. Buckminster.  Mr. Buckminster offered himself to be Examined.  He was So: and he delivered a sermon on Luke 10.41.42.  At Eve I asked advice respecting the Doctrines I had lately delivered from Eph. 5.14 and Rom. 8.8, and on that Question: Are there not some promises made to humble, fervent Strivers that they shall obtain the Grace of God.  See Prov. 1.22, Isa., Ch. 55.7, Mat. [blank], Corinth.[blank].  N.B. Council at Concord called by Ezekiel Miles and others, dissatisfyed with Mr. Bliss.

June 16, 1742

1742 June 16 (Wednesday).  Very useful and profitable Conversations upon several Heads of Divinity, especially referring to the Great Article of Conversion, Comparing Several of Mr. Stoddards[1] writings.  I also read a large Paper of the Experiences of a Young woman, a Member of the Church in Westborough which I had from her in her own MSS.  Mr. Buckminster preached the Public Lecture on Heb. 11.7, which was to tolerable acceptance; and seeing his Deportment, Humility, Serious Bent etc. he was the More endeared to us, and we drew up and signed a Certificat.  Mr. Cushing and I came up into Marlborough.  At Dr. Gotts we tarried while the shower went over and made it nigh night.  But I came home comfortably.  Betty Fay[2] the Taylor woman at work here.

[1]Solomon Stoddard (1643-1729), Harvard 1662, minister at Northampton, 1669-1729 (SHG, 2:111-22).  Jonathan Edwards, Stoddard’s grandson, succeeded him at Northampton.

[2]Betty or Elizabeth Fay, b. Oct. 1, 1722, dau. of John, Jr., and Hannah (Child) Fay.  Her father died in 1732, and her mother mar. Samuel Liscomb, also spelled Lyscom, Mar, 7, 1734 (WVR 148), and was dismissed to the Southborough church, July 27, 1735 (WCR, 37-38).

June 20, 1742

1742 June 20 (Sunday).  I preached at Shrewsbury on Eph. 5.14 a. and p.m.  N.B. Mrs. Robins (Mrs. Cushings sister) and Mrs. Abigail Smith[1] (the Doctors sister) dined with us.  I understand that Shrewsbury North End are set off by an Act of Court.  At Eve Mr. Cushing returned.

[1]Abigail Smith, sister of Dr. Joshua Smith of Shrewsbury, b. Dec. 18, 1723, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah Smith of Newbury; Vital Records of Newbury, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Salem, MA: The Essex Institute, 1911), 1:477.

June 21, 1742

1742 June 21 (Monday).  Broke fast at Dr. Smiths.[1]  Came home by Mr. Snells[2] by whom my wife sent Two Piggs to Boston.  And I sent to the widow Greenwood by Neighbour Jedidiah How what I was indebted for Books lately bought of her — viz. £4.10.0.

[1]Joshua Smith (1719-1756) of Shrewsbury, b. May 4, 1719, son of Benjamin and Hannah Smith of Newbury (Newbury VR, 1:480).

[2]Probably John Snell of Hopkinton who d. Feb. 19, 1807, a. 93 (HVR, 450).  The Hopkinton vital records list the baptism of nine children, 1749-1764, but do not identify his wife or any earlier children.

June 22, 1742

1742 June 22 (Tuesday).  Thomas Mowing Day after Day.  My 6th Exposition of the Catechism to 38 young women.  N.B. Elizabeth Chamberlain and Neighbour Joseph Green[1] upon Soul Affairs.

[1]Possibly Joseph Green, Jr., who mar. Mary Wright, Dec. 25, 1740 (WVR, 162).  Their dau. Lydia was b. Jan. 5 1742.  Joseph owned the covenant and Lydia was baptized, July 18, 1742 (WCR, 63).

June 23, 1742

1742 June 23 (Wednesday).  Thomas Mowing.  Wife to Marlborough.  N.B. Mr. Smith had left his wife at Cape Ann for Some Time.  N.B. Dr. Robys wife[1] (Daughter of Rev. Mr. Swift)[2] dead.

[1]Ebenezer Roby (1701-1772), Harvard 1719, physician of Sudbury, mar. Sarah, dau. of Rev. John Swift, June 6, 1729; she d. June 20, 1742; SHG, 6:336-39.

[2]John Swift (1679-1745), Harvard 1697, minister of Framingham, 1701-1745.  SHG 4:387-90.

June 24, 1742

1742 June 24 (Thursday).  I rode over to the North of Shrewsbury and preached to a Young Society there on 1 Thess. 1.10.  Mr. Cushing returned home, but the Rain prevailed So that I was obliged to lodge with Mr. Morse[1] at Mr. Bushs.[2]  N.B. The Request of the North Side of Shrewsbury to the General Court to be Sett off a New Township by them Selves I hear is granted.

[1]Ebenezer Morse (1718-1802), Harvard 1737, minister at Boylston, 1743-1775; SHG, 10:211-17.

[2]There were several families in Shrewsbury with the surname Bush.  Based on the timing of births (Shrewsbury VR, 23), Parkman’s sole reference Mr. Bush is probably to John, husband of Martha.  John Bush d. July 14, 1757 (Shrewsbury VR, 246).