May 18, 1739

1739 May 18 (Friday).  Rainy, Thunderstorm.  Several men came to the Meeting House freely to work in putting up seats — Shut up middle alley.  Visited Mr. Noah Rice’s sick Child.  In the Night Molly Hicks[1] dy’d, about 11 of the Clock.  My Wife there all night.  Hicks at Cambridge.

[1]Mary was the infant daughter of John and Rebecca Hicks of Westborough.

May 21, 1739

1739 May 21 (Monday).  Word having been brought by Brother Hicks and also by Mr. James Maynard of my Honored aged Mothers Illness and desire that I would go down to her, I set out, and rode through Southborough.  N.B. Abraham Moss[1] with me on the Road to Framingham, visited Mr. Swift,[2] proceeded to Cambridge, but was somewhat late.

[1]One of Parkman’s hired hands.

[2]Rev. John Swift.

May 26, 1739

1739 May 26 (Saturday).  Brother Samuel Parkman sent up a Boy from Charleston early in the morning, to bring down my Horse from Cambridge.  N.B. Mrs. Newton (Ebenezer’s Wife of Southborough).  I had a very wet Journey.  The Rain was heavy upon me from Weston.  N.B. at Weston I met with Mr. David Ball of Boston who was come with Mrs. Pierpont, Mr. Stephen White[1] and Mrs. Sarah Noyes[2] from New Haven Yesterday, and the 3 last were at my House.  At Sudbury I borrow’d a great Coat of one Mr. Herd, my own being wet through.  At Mr. Baldwins was Mr. Joseph Biglo[3] who was my Company as far as to his Fathers in Marlborough where we were shelter’d, and Horse and Man refreshed.  At Home I found the Friends aforesaid to my great rejoicing.

[1](YC 1736), later minister at Windham, Conn., 1740-1794.  Dexter, 567-69.

[2]Daughter of James Noyes of Stonington, Conn.

[3]Son of John Bigelow.  Joseph lived in Shrewsbury.

May 28, 1739

1739 May 28 (Monday).  I Spent the forenoon in setting my Family affairs to rights.  Din’d and after 3 o’Clock Set out for Cambridge.  Rode by Mr. Beemans where I call’d.  Through Marlborough and Stopp’d with sister Gott[1] etc., yet got down about 10 o’Clock.  N.B. Mr. Edwards of North Hampton (as my wife inform’d me at my return) came to our House at Eve and lodged here.

[1]Mrs. Benjamin Gott.

May 29, 1739

1739 May 29 (Tuesday).  I rode with Brother Samuel Parkman and his Wife to Cambridge to visit their little son, designing to ride also to Mistick, to visit Cousen Bradshaw,[1] but the Rain prevailed so that we only went to Cambridge.  Neither could we return to Boston, but went over to Father Champneys and lodged there.  N.B. Mr. Samuel Liscomb of Southborough this afternoon inform’d me that Jacob Johnson and Daniel Taylor of Southborough each of about 22 or 23 years were lost at the Pond in Westborough which is the Head of the Sudbury River,[2] and it was concluded they were drowned.  Their Horses, Shooes and Stockings were found by the Pond, their Canoo, Hatts and Cranberrys floating but their Bodys not found, this Morning at 8 o’Clock.

[1]Parkman’s brother William had a daughter, Sarah, who married Samuel Bradshaw.

[2]The Sudbury River begins in the eastern part of Westborough where several brooks come together to form Cedar Swamp.

May 30, 1739

1739 May 30 (Wednesday).  We went from Cambridge.  Mr. Clark[1] of Salem Village preach’d an Excellent sermon on Hos. 11.12.  Din’d at Brother Elias’s.  N.B. Mr. Jeffords[2] of Wells confirm’d a Letter to the Convention concerning the Conduct of the Irish Bretheren and the Presbytery at the Eastward.

[1]Rev. Peter Clark (HC 1712), minister at Danvers, Mass., 1716-1768.  SHG, 5:616-23.

[2]Rev. Samuel Jeffers of Wells, Maine.

May 31, 1739

1739 May 31 (Thursday).  N.B. Mr. Samuel Cook, Mr. Pierce[1] of Dartmouth etc. lodg’d at Brother Elias’s.  I lodg’d at Brother Williams.  I was at the Convention.  N.B. Letters from Mr. Holden of London.  The Sermon by Mr. Eels[2] on 1 Sam. 4.13.  The Collection £171 and odd money.  Din’d at Mr. Checkleys.[3]  Return’d to the Convention p.m.  Visited Mrs. Keggell,[4] Mrs. Clark, etc.  Lodg’d at Brother Williams.

[1]Rev. Richard Pierce (HC 1724), minister at New Bedford, Mass.,1733-1749.  SHG, 7:429-31.

[2]Rev. Nathaniel Eels (HC 1699), minister at Norwell, Mass., 1704-1750.  SHG, 4:468-71.

[3]Rev. Samuel Checkley of Boston.

[4]Mrs. Abel Keggell, a cousin of Mrs. Parkman.

June 1, 1739

1739 June 1 (Friday).  Cousin Needham[1] of Salem and his Son at Mothers.  After various Business, etc. I rode to Cambridge.  N.B. Mr. Edward Larkin’s offers for my Horse.

[1]Parkman’s eldest sister married Daniel Needham in 1702.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Needham had died before 1739.  This reference is to some relative of this connection.

June 2, 1739

1739 June 2 (Saturday).  Return’d to Westborough.  My Company from Harringtons were Mr. James Morris who came lately from Lisbon, and from the Isle of Wight.  (N.B. That he Saw in January or February last one of my name in west Cows in the Isle of Wight, Tavernkeeper, who said he was our Relation.)  Other Company up was Mr. Joseph Gardner[1] who was going to preach at Hopkinton, and Mr. Andrew Boardman[2] Schoolmaster at Shrewsbury.  Mr. Boardman and his Brother din’d with me at Baldwins.  Shav’d at Sudbury.  Rode through Marlborough.  Mr. Aaron Forbush at Colonel Woods’s who rode up with me and acquaint’d me with the Rude and Vile Conduct of John Kidney towards my Daughter Molly [age 14], when alone with her, except little Lucy [age 4], her Mother being at Marlborough with Mrs. Pierpont and her other Friends, whom she waited upon thither the Day before.  It was to my great Surprize, but Blessed by God who is the Refuge of all Distressed ones, and who appear’d for the Dear Child in the middst of her Troubles calling aloud upon His Mercifull and allmighty name, and wondrously Sav’d her, though he had button’d the Door and assaulted and Striven with her, thrown her on the Ground and was very indecent towards her, Yet was not suffer’d to hurt her — except what was by the Fright and bruising her arms in struggling with her.  When disengag’d She ran out to go to her uncles, but he ran after her and forc’d her back and made her wash the Blood from her arms, which she did upon his Swearing to her that he would not go into the House again till night.  As soon as She had got him out to his work, She ran to Ensign Maynards who rode to Marlborough and at Eve brought up her Mother.  Stephen Maynard lodg’d in the House that night and Noah How the next, My wife being afraid to be alone with so brutish a Creature.  When I came home I examin’d Molly very Strictly.  Brother Hicks and Ensign Maynard were here, whose advice I needed at so important a Juncture.  John upon his Knees ask’d my Pardon, and again fell on his Knees and ask’d his mistresses Pardon.  It was difficult with me to know what was fittest to be done, the Sabbath being approaching and the Holy Exercises thereof to be prepar’d for.  As Compos’d as I could I deferr’d the Matter till the beginning of the Week.

[1](HC 1732), later minister at Newport, R.I.,1740-1743.  SHG, 9:156-59.

[2]Boardman had previously been the schoolmaster at Hopkinton.

June 3, 1739

1739 June 3 (Sunday).  A.M. on Ps. 116.12 from page 7.  On Consideration of the Great Goodness of God to Me and my Dear Daughter Molly in her late Remarkable Deliverance.[1]  P.M. on Eccl. 9.19, repeating the last Part of one of my sermons on Eccl. 11.9.  On Occasion of the Sudden Death of Jacob Johnson and David Taylor of Southborough last week by Drowning.  N.B. Weary and much Spent at Night.

[1]Psalm 116.12: “What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?”

June 5, 1739

1739 June 5 (Tuesday).  Rainy, Yet I rode up in the Morning to Shrewsbury.  At Mr. Cushings were some of his Friends from Hingham.  I asked Mr. Cushing advice aside concerning John Kidneys Conduct.  I also visited Colonel Ward and propos’d several General Cases, made Enquirys and consulted his Law Books.  N.B. I din’d at Colonel Wards and ministered to an aged maiden of 60, named Abigail Green, who was in great Extremity, fitts of Difficult Breathing etc.  Visited Mr. Isaac Tomlin[1] as I return’d home.

[1]The Westborough deacon.

June 6, 1739

1739 June 6 (Wednesday).  About Dinner Time I made a Business of talking to John Kidney but he answer’d me nothing.  Mr. Cushing came and preach’d my Lecture on 1 Tim. 4.7.  It had been rainy for Some Days.  It rain’d this forenoon, but the Sun broke out in the Afternoon.  Cousen Winchester, both he and she,[1] were here after Lecture.

[1]Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Winchester of Westborough.

June 10, 1739

1739 June 10 (Sunday).  Sacrament.  Text a. and p.m. Col. 1.12.  N.B. old Neighbor Thurston[1] from Uxbridge at Communion and at Dinner as was old Mr. Johnson[2] of Southborough and Deacon Fay.  N.B. Many of Southborough here Mr. Stone[3] being gone to Harwick.  N.B. at Evening I was exceeding Faint and Spent.

[1]David Thurston, formerly of Westborough.

[2]William Johnson, who died in 1757 at the age of 89.

[3]Rev. Nathan Stone of Southborough.

June 11, 1739

1739 June 11 (Monday).  Training.  After Prayer with the Company I din’d with the Officers.  N.B. Captain Flagg din’d with them also.  Captain Flagg improv’d by me to talk with John Kidney who manifested some Degree of Humiliation and made Promises of great Reformation.  But I remain’d dissatisfy’d unless he Should undergoe some suitable Punishment in some Kind or other.

June 14, 1739

1739 June 14 (Thursday).  Mr. Beacon[1] of Woodstock here with his sister Allen, and with Abiel Allen, who was going up to Woodstock with her uncle.  It rain’d but I rode over in the Rain to Lieutenant Holloways to Catechizing.  I rode on Neighbor Benjamin Hows Young Horse.  Had but 8 Children, 4 Boys and 4 Girls.  N.B. Some Talk I had with James Jeffrey about ship Mate John Kidney.

[1]Probably one of the numerous Bacons of this town.

June 16, 1739

1739 June 16 (Saturday).  In the morning I was at Ensign Maynards but he could not go with me to a Justice against John Kidney, I return’d home and a new Contest arose.  John having got on his Best stockings to go to work in the Bushes with, I bid him pull ‘em off and put on his old ones which were fitt enough for his Business, but he was disobedient and worded it and delayed for some Time, till I added Resolution and severe Chiding, and oblig’d him to both pull ‘em off and bring ‘em to me, against his Stubborn Stomach and Saucy Answers but I gave him no Blows although it much disturb’d me, and put me into much Trouble, for I resolved to bear with him no longer at all.  I sent for Lieutenant Baker who came, and having discover’d to Him my present need of him and my purpose to carry John up to the House of Correction he presently return’d home to prepare himself for it.  When he was ready and we had din’d I bid John shirt him and putt on his best Stockings that he might go with me.  He delay’d and deny’d and began to shew himself as in the Morn but with my insisting and demanding it he went and dress’d himself and I Set him along before me on Mr. Townsends Mare, whilst I rode, myself, Ensign Maynards.  N.B. Ensign Maynards unseasonable Replys to me near his House and his talk of his readiness to have bought John, but Now etc.  Lieutenant Baker and I rode, with John before us, up to Major Keys.  After a great Deal of Consultation and Captain Flagg’s advice join’d to the rest I accepted Johns Humiliation on his Knees with flowing Tears so far as to putt a stop to his going to the House of Correction.  And with my Consent the Major committed him to John Clarks Custody, who liv’d on his son Gershoms place, till further Order, upon which I return’d home.  N.B. Mr. Stephen White and Mrs. Sarah Noyes of New Haven, were come up from Boston to our House, the Meazles being in Boston, and They afraid of Infection.  But Mrs. Pierpont who had heretofore had that disease remained behind.

June 19, 1739

1739 June 19 (Tuesday).  I rode Mr. Aaron Forbush’s Horse to Grafton to Association leaving Jonathan Rogers to plough and hoe among my Corn.  N.B. had Neighbor David Maynard Juniors Horse to plough.  As to what was done at Association See Association Records.[1]

[1]The principal business of this meeting seems to have concerned Thomas Axtell of Marlborough, whose conduct had previously been a business of the Association.  Despite the opposition of Deacon Keyes, the meeting recommended that the Marlborough Church “extend their compassions towards him, and he having removed his habitation to Grafton, to dismiss him thereto.”  Allen, Worcester Association, 12, 19.

June 20, 1739

1739 June 20  (Wednesday).  It has been a Dark rainy season for a long Time.  Rained this Forenoon.  N.B. Difficulty with Mr. Axtell.  N.B. only Mr. Prentice[1] and Mr. Loring,[2] Mr. Cushing and I.  Mr. Cushing preach’d on 2 Pet. 3.11.  Company in returning home was Mr. Loring, Deacon Keys[3] and Mr. Daniel Steward.[4]

[1]Rev. Solomon Prentice of Grafton.

[2]Rev. Israel Loring of Sudbury.

[3]Of Shrewsbury.

[4]Daniel Stewart of Marlborough.  Hudson, Marlborough, 450.