January 11, 1728

1728 January 11 (Thursday).  The Church (at my appointment) came together and I entertain’d them with a Discourse from Acts 6.6 but I left the method we should proceed in to the Church’s Consideration.  Afterwards they came down to my house whereby Mr. Asher Rice[1] was no small [illegible] about Mr. Josiah Newton.[2]

[1]Son of Thomas Rice, one of the original settlers of Westborough.

[2]Josiah and Thomas Newton were cousins.  Both were original settlers of Westborough.  See DeForest and Bates, Westborough, pp. 46-47.

January 21, 1728

1728 January 21 (Sunday).  I preach’d both fore and after noon from 1Cor.  I rode to Mr. Pratts and to Mr. Increase Wards[1] and Ballanced with Constable Warrin.[2]  Mr. Collister[3] came with his complaints and witnesses.

[1]Increase Ward operated a saw-mill in that part of Westborough that became Northborough.

[2]Daniel Warrin, an original settler in the eastern part of Westborough.

[3]John McCollister of Westborough.

January 22, 1728

1728 January 22 (Monday).  I rode to Mr. John Pratt junior where was Captain Fay.  With him I had discourse concerning the Sad Broils in the Town.  We went to Mr. Thomas Rice’s[1] where it was continued till Evening.  I rode over to see Mr. Shattuck[2] (which was my purpose in coming out) he being in a low state.  We return’d to Mr. Rices and then I came home.  There I found Father Champney[3] and Sister Lydia.[4]  The Town is in great uneasiness and ready to fall together by the Ears for the management of their military officers but mostly for receiving money for writs and Summons when he had none of the Justice.  Hezekiah Pratt and Eleazer Ward cut wood.

[1]Believed to be the first settler of that part of Marlborough that became Westborough.  DeForest and Bates, Westborough, p. 20.

[2]Isaac Shattuck.

[3]Samuel Champney, Sr., Parkman’s father-in-law.

[4]Lydia Champney, Parkman’s sister-in-law.

January 28, 1728

1728 January 28 (Sunday).  Diverse young men were with me requesting advice and instruction touching their setting up a private society.  I desir’d ‘em to come again on this Sennight.  This Eve Mr. Asher Rice and Mr. Josiah Newton were again with me endeavouring something towards their reconciliation, but all means were in vain.  Instead of healing new work was made for, Mr. Rice having charg’d Mr. Newton with having (not only deceived in the article they were upon) but a principle of falsehood in his heart, which was so high, and beyond his real intention to Speak, he acknowledg’d it was wrong to Speak So of his brother and was Sorry for what he had said.  The Cause was rais’d to a difficult pitch, and little prospect of Concord or Composition.  Extream cold.  The Earthquake was heard as was reported and Some say, felt this Morning about or just after Break of Day.  I preach’d again upon 1 Cor.  In admitting [illegible] Tomlin[1] to the Church I was So much employ’d in my thoughts by incorporating the Baptismal Covenant and Church Covenant together that I forgot to go to prayer before I baptiz’d Him, which I remain’d thoughtless about till I went up into the Pulpit from the Basen.  It put me into a Consternation.  I went to Prayer in which I lamented the miscarriage and enlarg’d the Prayer with those petitions that might be proper on this occasion.  But I desire to lay my Self low before God for so grievous an omission and would learn hence forward to be more carefull and watchfull but especially more strongly relying on the Divine aid.

[1]From the Church Records it appears this was Hezekiah Tomlin.

January 30, 1728

1728 January 30 (Tuesday).  I rode to Mr. Behmans,[1] and thence (with Mr. Wheeler[2]) to Marlborough.  At Mr. Williams,[3] Mr. Breck[4] was, and immediately asked me whether I had heard the Earthquake about 3/4 of an hour before (it being then after Two o’clock).  I had not heard anything of it.  It was heard and felt also by most persons.  The Sound was great, and, with many, a shake was distinctly perceiv’d.  Some were ready to say that it was heard every day for 4 or 5 dayes last past.  Unto the Lord from whom cometh our help.


I had something of Difficulty in my trading with Mr. Williams.


I lodg’d at Mr. Brecks.  We discours’d upon the Signs of the Times.  We rode to Mr. Woods.  A wedding was Solemnized at Mr. Brecks.  Samuel Eday[5] was joined to Elizabeth Bellows.[6]  I was compell’d to bear Some part.

[1]Eleazer Behman or Beeman of Westborough.

[2]Joseph Wheeler, an original settler of Westborough

[3]Colonel Abraham Williams.

[4]Reverend Robert Breck of Marlborough.

[5]Samuel Eady or Eddy of Oxford.

[6]Daughter of John Bellows of Marlborough.

January 31, 1728

1728 January 31 (Wednesday).  The morning was very stormy, snow and Rain.  But after dinner I rode Home.  My Wife told me Mr. Ashur Rice had been here again with a great deal to say about peoples uneasiness at my refusing at least deferring to have a Church Meeting on the account of accommodating the Differences.


[At a later point in the diary Parkman inserted several entries for January, 1728, as follows.]


1728 January 28 (Sunday).  It was heard by very many, and


1728 January 30 (Tuesday).  Almost all people heard it and many felt it shake the houses.

February 1, 1728

1728 February 1 (Thursday).  I am in great Concern respecting first my own Spiritual State and fearing the Earthquake that great and terrible operation of the Divine Hand has not been so Suitably regarded by me as to produce a due Effect, and The impressions that were made I fear May be Sadly wearing off; and my preparations to meet my God are very low and Scanty.


Secondly.  I am concerned in my mind about the Troubles that threaten in this Town.  I See my Self unable to manage a Quarrell and very much indispos’d towards it; but especially I would be afraid of the Interest of Religion Suffering; I would dread the Sins and mischiefs my people may be rushing into; and Contention has the blacker aspect in the Day wherein we see Such evident manifestations of the Divine Displeasure upon us.


Whereupon I, in the fear of God, would Set apart this Day, therein to seek the face of God, to avert the Evils threatening, to give me his Grace to quicken me, and savingly to Convert me unto him, to give me a sealed pardon of my sins, and assist me to walk before him according to his most Blessed will; graciously to interpose for his people of this Town and restore peace and unanimity to us (which Blessings, Gods name be praised, that we happily enjoyed so long; and O that God would forgive our misimprovement of them).  However, to prepare and accomplish me with wisdom from above, and vouchsafe his immediate assistance and Conduct through all that may be before me; and grant the Issue may be his own Glory.  And now the Lord be with me in the Dayes work and Show me his favour for his mercies Sake.  Let also these my Endeavours contribute not a little to fit me for waiting upon God in the Solemnities of the Supper of the Lord.  I religiously observed the Day according to the abovementioned appointment of it, till I was interrupted by Mr. Tainter[1] who came from the Private Meeting (about 3 p.m.) desiring me to go to their Assistance in the Exercises.  I went and Entertained my hearers with my Discourse (Sometime Since publickly deliver’d) upon Hoseah 4.12.  So that I had nevertheless, Opportunity to carry along the Private Designs abovesaid.  At least they (I took care) were not forgotten or neglected.  I had design’d for the Sake of promoting peace among my Brethren, to have gone to them in the Evening and I therefore Desired them to take all Suitable Methods for pacification and Reconciliation.  Mr. Newton[2] was gone home but Asher Rice immediately Step’d forward full of his bitter case, but was almost immediately oppos’d by Ensign Newton, and then almost everyone in the Room engag’d in an unsuitable Clamour, which it was hard to lay.  The Subject was that a Church meeting would alone help our State and was the only method that could be taken.  But at length by Mr. Bradishes[3] urging it that “inasmuch as it could not be Expected to have a Church Meeting before the Sacrament he thought our present Duty was to Endeavour if possible to obtain that Christian Disposition that might qualifie us to come acceptably to God and comfortably to ourselves; or however to prosecute these Ends as far as we could in doing what was to be done, and after the Sacrament if need were he would advise to discourse about a Church Meeting or what else was Suitable.”  I thought it Sage and Sat in with it and entreated for a composure and sedateness of Spirit as considering how holy the order we were  to put our Selves into preparation for.  I ask’d whether they were so disquieted that they could not in a Christian Temper Sit down at the approaching ordinance.  Though I had no direct answer yet I found that many of the Church would be disquieted if Mr. Newton should be there; and Some, on the other Hand, would be disquieted if Mr. McCollister and Rice[4] should be present.  I advised and Entreated therefore that a person or Two Should be with those three men together and improve the Time and their utmost Skill to compose them, And if no Methods could be Successfull, I desir’d those 3 persons to absent themselves from this administration rather than disturb the whole communion.  And so requested nothing more might pass among us this Night but what might be of an healing and salving nature.  And this met with universal acceptance and thereupon we broke up.  So that I hope there was Some happy issue and Effect, notwithstanding that unlikely view I had in the foregoing part of the Evening.  To God be the Glory of any Good enabled from him to do.  And I hope it was not altogether without Benefit and Comfort in my own Soul that this Day has been set apart; though too much reason to reflect on my own unstableness and inexpertness, thro’ which if it had not been, perhaps I had reap’d more the Mercy of God through the Merits of Christ vouchsafe Remission.

[1]Simon Tainter.

[2]Josiah Newton.

[3]James Bradish.

[4]Asher Rice.

February 2, 3, 1728

1728 February 2, 3 (Friday, Saturday).  Prepar’d for the Sabbath but not without Troublesome casts doubting of a Reconciliation between those foresaid Dissenting persons, and Sorrowing that Things should be brought to that pitch among us already that any of us should be oblig’d to withdraw from the Sacrament through want of Peace and Christian agreement.  Tabitha Hardy[1] with me.

[1]Mrs. Samuel Hardy of Westborough.

February 4, 1728

1728 February 4 (Sunday).  I preach’d from [blank].  Mr. Newton withdrawing (the other Two I believe were not at meeting) was a melancholly Sight to me.  I administer’d the Sacrament.  I hope God was convers’d with.  For any Communications I would praise his Name But I would humble my Self that I receiv’d no more Spiritual Benefit.  In the  Afternoon I preach’d upon the Same Text.

February 10, 1728

1728 February 10 (Saturday).  Mr. Jonathan Forbush came and requested I would go See his Son in law Isaac Shattuck before He dy’d, and gave me his sons Earnest Desire to see me.  Accordingly I went.  Found him low and decay’d in Body, almost beyond all Hopes, But with great Encouragement touching Eternall matters.  Having discours’d and pray’d with him I took my leave.

February 11, 1728

1728 February 11 (Sunday).  I preach’d upon Isaiah 1.4 a. and p.m.  After the Exercises Sister Lydia rode with me to see Mr. Shattuck,  Found him living and that appear’d to be all.  Scarcely speaking but manifesting great ground of hope through almighty grace of God thro’ the merits of Christ.  We thought he began to Change.  We pray’d recomending him to God and his family to the Divine grace and protection in as brief an address as posible.  I took my last leave.  Returning Sister Lydia fell from the horse but more surpriz’d than dammag’d.  At our house was Mr. Bows[1] who had preach’d at Southborough on the Day past.

[1]Nicholas Bowes (Harvard 1725), later the first minister of Bedford, 1730-1754.  Sibley, VII, 455-457.

February 12, 1728

1728 February 12 (Monday).   I rode down with Mr. Bows to Cambridge, dining at Mr. Jonsons[1] of Southborough and calling in likewise at Mr. Briton’s[2] of the Same Town and at Mr. Williams[3] at Weston.

[1]William Johnson resided in that part of Marlborough that was incorporated as the new town of Southborough in July 1727.

[2]John Britton of Southborough.

[3]Reverend William Williams (Harvard 1705), minister at Weston, 1709-1750.  Sibley, V, 295-300.

February 13, 1728

1728 February 13 (Tuesday).  Mr. Isaac Greenwood[1] was inaugurated in the College Hall, the overseers and a great number of Gentlemen being present and handsomely entertain’d at Dinner after.  In the Exercise Mr. Flynt[2] first pray’d and then made a Latin oration.  The statutes of his founder read.  The oaths were administered and he made his Declaration according to Mr. Hollis’s Statutes that he would religiously observe them, and Mr. Greenwood made an handsome Oration in Latin.  Mr. Flynt renunciated or openly declar’d Mr. Greenwood Professor of Mathematicks and Naturall and Experimental Phylosophy according to Mr. Hollis’s institution.  Mr. Appleton[3] pray’d and we in Conclusion Sang Ps. 104, the 1st and 2 last Stanzas of Tate and Brady’s Version.  It was a Day of Solemnity and great Joy, and I hope Glory was given to God.  I tarried at College chiefly with Mr. Greenwood till time to repair to Lodgings at Father Champney’s.  I was at College at Mr. Greenwoods over a Dish of Tea, Stay’d till Sundown and then I went to Boston.  Kept my Horse at Mr. Goldthwaits.  The Great Dr. Cotton Mather dy’d this morning 4 a.m. after Suffering of an asthma.

[1]First Hollis Professor of Mathematics at Harvard College.

[2]Henry Flynt (Harvard 1693), Tutor at Harvard College.  Sibley, IV, 162-167.

[3]Reverend Nathaniel Appleton, D.D. (Harvard 1712), minister of the First Church of Cambridge, 1717-1784.  Sibley, V, 599-609.

February 15, 1728

1728 February 15 (Thursday).  Mr. Colman[1] preach’d Dr. Mathers funeral Sermon from Gen. 5.24.  I went in the Evening to Mr. Gerrish’s[2] Retail.  Here was Mr. Sewal,[3] Mr. Prince,[4] Mr. Cooper[5] and Mr. Foxcroft.  After Candle Light I rode out of Town, to Cambridge upon my journey home.  Here I found my wife and Son who were brought down yesterday by William Clark of Westborough.  It rain’d So I was detain’d.  Now I had opportunity to see much of Father Champney’s Methods which were much out of due Course through the violence of a Fever many years agoe.  Great grief and Concern in the Family.

[1]Reverend Benjamin Colman of the Brattle Street Church.

[2]Samuel Gerrish, the bookseller.

[3]Reverend Joseph Sewall of the Old South Church, Boston.

[4]Reverend Thomas Prince also of the Old South Church.

[5]Reverend William Cooper (Harvard 1712), of the Brattle Street Church, 1716-1743.  Sibley, V, 624-634.

February 18, 1728

1728 February 18 (Sunday).  Mr. Appleton a.m. on Eccl. 7.2 for That is the End of all men.  I preach’d p.m. from Acts 24.16.  Supp’d at Mr. Appletons.  Mr. Marston Gibs and Fitch[1] of Piscataqua there, and afterwards Mr. Remington,[2] Mr. Wigglesworth[3] and Sir Rogers.[4]  I return’d to Father Champney’s at nine.

[1]John Fitch (Harvard 1728) of Portsmouth, N. H.  The son of the Reverend Jabez Fitch.  Sibley, VIII, 426-427.

[2]Jonathan Remington (Harvard 1696), Tutor at Harvard College, a judge, and Councillor of the Province.  Sibley, IV, 300-303.

[3]Edward Wigglesworth (Harvard 1710), Professor at Harvard College.  Sibley, V, 546-555.

[4]John Rogers (Harvard 1728).  Sibley, VIII, 480-481.

February 19, 1728

1728 February 19 (Monday).  I rode to Boston to Dr. Mathers Funerall.  It look’d very Sad — almost as if it were the funerall of the Country.  A very Sad Breach.  Of for Sufficient portions of Gods Spirit upon surviving ministers!  Vast Concourse Exceeding long Procession and numberless Spectators.  Every heart Sad.  This Evening at cousin Dorcas Bows[1] where was Mrs. Rebecca Adams and by and by Brother Samuell Parkman.

[1]Mrs. Dorcas Bowes, cousin of Mrs. Parkman.

February 22, 1728

1728 February 22 (Thursday).  I was much detain’d the forenoon by making writings, Deed, Bonds, Etc.  Father Champney bying woodland of Cousin Daniel Champneys Children.  I stop’d at Mr. Williams’s a little while, but it began to Snow and I hastened.  The Storm increas’d greatly So that night coming on also I turn’d away to Mr. Winchesters,[1] and lodg’d there.

[1]Probably Ebenezer Winchester, prominent citizen of Framingham.  Temple, Framingham, p. 752.

February 23, 1728

1728 February 23 (Friday).  The Morning was much worse till near Eleven, and though the wind was very high and the snow blowing very much, yet the Clouds began to grow thinner.  He rode with me into the Road, the Paths being very much blown up and indeed the Roads too.  I met with great Difficulties.  I hardly reach’d Mr. Moss’s where I had refreshment for my Self and horse, and a Young Man offer’d to ride with me.  We reach’d Mr. Nathan Brighams,[1] refresh’d again, and Mr. Brigham rode up into this Town.  But it was a Sad time to be abroad in, the Snow being very deep and great Danger if happening out of the Path and yet the Path almost wholly blown up.  But through the Divine Goodness I arrived without Damage and found my people well.  Deo opt. nostro grates.

[1]Captain Brigham of Marlborough.

March 3, 1728

1728 March 3 (Sunday).  I preach’d on Is. 1.4, both a. and p.m.  I was not a little affected in the afternoon.  I request of God to make these sermons profitable to my Self as well as to others that I may deplore my own Iniquities with which as I have been laden with the guilt of them.  So God grant that I may be after a godly Sort weary and heavy laden, so under a sense of them that I may be a true mourner for the Sins of others and lament over the Calamities of the Land!

March 5, 1728

1728 March 5 (Tuesday).  I was at Mr. Newtons[1] where was The Ensign[2] and we had pritty much Discourse about our Troubles in Town and the Ensign Said Things had never laid Easy with a certain person ever Sins [sic] Our church Covenant was chosen and my refusing a Quitclaim to Mr. Elmer,[3] which that person had himself written and offer’d me to sign; and that Things Still lay brooding, etc.

[1]Josiah Newton of Westborough.

[2]Thomas Newton, cousin of Josiah.

[3]Reverend Daniel Elmer, formerly a preacher at Westborough.