1782 August 1 (Thursday). My Daughter Baldwin is much disheartened. Several women (Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Graves) visit. Mr. Brigham returns from Boston at night. He brings a Letter from Mr. Quincy.
Month: August 1782
August 2, 1782
1782 August 2 (Friday). Mrs. Anne Lambson has turned my Black Coat. She is here.
August 3, 1782
1782 August 3 (Saturday). Mrs. Lambson is still here.
August 4, 1782
1782 August 4 (Sunday). I have made a Sermon for to day but did not deliver it. I went on with Sermon on Ps. 110.3, latter part, “in the Beauties of Holiness, from the Womb etc., the Dew of thy Youth,” a. and p.m. May God graciously add His Blessing! Mrs. Anne Lambson dined here. At Eve Breck read part of a sermon of Mr. Henry Grove from Heb. 11.13. My poor Daughter Baldwin is in a very afflicted and distressed State. Dr. Hawes visits.
August 5, 1782
1782 August 5 (Monday). Although there have been now and then Showers, yet it is a dry time and the Pastures are much burned up.
August 6, 1782
1782 August 6 (Tuesday). Brecks Work men are daily boarding and closing.
August 7, 1782
1782 August 7 (Wednesday). Mr. President Willard, who had been to Petersham, turned way to Visit me. He dined here — but he Sat out again for Weston. N.B. Mr. Daniel Adams now of Hopkinton came and desired a dismission from this Church. Memorandum. Col. Wheelock has agreed with Mr. Brigham to mowe and get my New Swamp for one Load of the [Hay?] and that I shall have the rest of the Hay when he has cocked it.
August 8, 1782
1782 August 8 (Thursday). The Interval is every Year a tedious piece of Work. We have this Year had not only Thomas Thatcher, but Mr. Brigham has hired Mr. Nat. Fay, Several Days to work there. My Son Ebenezer also has greatly assisted, especially in Carting. But to day we brought home the last from thence. My Daughter Baldwin is every day, but especially in the nights, greatly distressed. Dr. Hawes accommodates her with his Chaise and Mrs. Hawes’s Company to ride out a little. A Letter from Isaac at Brookfield. Ephraim Parker Visits us. A Letter from Colonel Baldwin to Mr. Brigham.
August 9, 1782
1782 August 9 (Friday). Mrs. Persis Adams was here (by virtue of a Notification sent her of her Husbands desiring a Dismission). She leaves an address to the Pastor of the Church, to be read when Adams’s Request is read. N.B. She takes with her the Papers of Evidences. At Eve Mr. Eli Whitney came and paid me his Rates; which amounted to £1.10.8.
August 10, 1782
1782 August 10 (Saturday). In my reviewing Notes etc. Mr. Benjamin Stone here, going to preach for Mr. Kilbourn at Southborough.
August 11, 1782
1782 August 11 (Sunday). Carryed on my Discourse to young People (from Ps. 110.3) but took for my Text, on this part Job 13.6 a.m. P.M. read for the Text 1 Tim. 4.8, latter part. After which Exercises the Church was stopped and Mr. Daniel Adams Request to be dismissed to Hopkinton was read; also Mrs. Adams’s Paper of Reasons etc. was read, and a Church Meeting voted — to be next Thursday come sennight — 2 p.m. At Eve, in the Family read the Heads of my Sermons.
August 12, 1782
1782 August 12 (Monday). Mr. Benjamin Stone here in his Return from Southborough. He gives me Some Account of the late Trial of Mr. Fairbanks Affair against Mr. Morse, at North Shrewsbury. I went again to See Mr. Thomas Fay’s Sick Child and prayed.
August 13, 1782
1782 August 13 (Tuesday). Capt. Jon. Fays Wife very ill. Nahum came with Request — went, discoursed and prayed with her. P.M. Col. Blackden from Marlborough came to See me. He relates the arrival of a French Fleet in Boston Harbour — 13 of the line, and 4 Frigates: And the late Transactions in Marlborough politically — and about hiring Preaching.
August 14, 1782
1782 August 14 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham to Boston. Several Women to Visit us, viz. Sisters Cushing and Brigham. Deacon Hawes goes to Hopkinton to carry Mr. Daniel Adams Notification of our Church Meeting, and Copy of his Wife’s Paper of Address to the Church. I wrote also to Mrs. Adams a like Notification, and left it to my Son Brecks Care to send it by Mr. Joseph Harring[ton?] who goes to day for the News paper.
August 15, 1782
1782 August 15 (Thursday). I went to Mr. Daniel Stockwells, who earnestly accosts me, requests me to ask Mr. Sanford to preach here, though I never Saw him in my Life, but have heard by many, of his unsoundness, and have had so many written Testimony of it. P.M. came Mrs. Thatcher, of Attleborough and her Daughter, Mrs. Bethia; to see Thomas who went with them at Eve to Mr. Peters at Hopkinton.
August 16, 1782
1782 August 16 (Friday). Mr. P. Whitney p.m. and his sister Mrs. Hammock. He relates the Story of Mr. Morse and Mr. Fairbank. Mr. Brigham returned in the Night.
August 17, 1782
1782 August 17 (Saturday). He delivered Letters from Cape Ann, viz. from Mr. Forbes and from Elias. Mrs. Baldwin is much born down. The Drought continues and increases. Nahum Fay comes to request me to Visit his Mother who grows worse. Went, discoursed, prayed with her. Called at Ensign Fay’s, and Saw Thomas’s Child. Workmen are daily at Work in finishing Brecks House.
August 18, 1782
1782 August 18 (Sunday). A very dry Day. We cry to Heaven for Relief. A.M. I go on with the Discourse on Ps. 110.3, latter part, to Young People chiefly. May God grant Success! P.M. preached on Prov. 1.23 (which I lately composed) and was Suitable to follow the forenoon Exercise: and may divine Grace accompany it! N.B. Daniel Adams junior deliver’d me a Letter from his Father. Mr. Peter Thatchers Wife, of Hopkinton dined here. At Eve repeated some parts of the preceeding sermon.
August 19, 1782
1782 August 19 (Monday). Mr. James Downs, having worked for me in Ditching my Interval, I paid him his Demand for 26 Rod, 26/ by a Note to the Constable Harrington. P.M. came Ebenezer Son of Ensign Fay to acquaint me with the Death of the Infant which had lain so low and to desire me to attend the Funeral tomorrow. I answered that if they would appoint the Time to be at 8 in the [morn?].
August 20, 1782
1782 August 20 (Tuesday). I received no Answer from Ensign Fay’s. I therefore rode up there about that time: But Ensign said that had sent to Grafton. I therefore rode over to Northborough to the Association at Mr. Whitney’s where were Messrs. Biglow, Newell, and there was also Mr. Puffer. The Moderatorship came on me. Mr. Whitney prayed — but it was conceived there were Difficultys enough to take up our time, and therefore there was no Concio. Next Meeting appointed to be 3d Tuesday in September. My Son Ebenezer went over also and dined with us; he accompanyed me home. N.B. A Fast at Shrewsbury. Mr. Grosvenor preached a.m. on Isa. 26.4. Rev. Dr. Hall p.m. on Isa. 45.22.
August 21, 1782
1782 August 21 (Wednesday). Hear that there is a Fast to day at Hopkinton. Messrs. Stone and Crosby dined here. P.M. Mr. Abijah Gale is here and has much to say upon the Adams Difference. Mr. Brigham and his wife rode over to Northborough to visit Mrs. Briggs.
August 22, 1782
1782 August 22 (Thursday). P.M. The Church Met — to Consider Mr. Adams’s Request of Dismission and Recommendation to the Church of Hopkinton and his Wife’s Complaint against him. Mrs. Adams came, but her Husband would not — till we had been some time together — and then would Stay but a short Space, and hastily flung out and rode away. The Church voted to have a Fast. They were very Unanimous. There was Reason enough. Besides the Drought, the public state — this Critical Juncture — Our great Perplexities — but the Growth of Sin; Decay of Religion etc. They would have it to be Next Thursday. Capt. Morse is earnest to have Mr. Frost of Millford sent to. I consented (and have writ to him accordingly). The Church Meeting with regard to Mr. Adams’s Affair was necessarily Adjourned — the Adjournment is to Monday the 9th of Sept. I concluded with Prayer and Blessing. After Meeting Deacon Wood and Mr. Belknap here.
August 23, 1782
1782 August 23 (Friday). Wrote to Dr. Hall and to Mr. Grosvenor concerning the Fast — to Mr. Whitney likewise. Mrs. White, an Hopkinton Widow woman, Spinning for some Days, for Sophy.
August 24, 1782
1782 August 24 (Saturday). Mr. Isaac Johnson and Mr. Outhank, returning from New-Haven (whither they have been in Quest of a minister) came in with a Letter from President Stiles, accompanyed with a Present of a Poem Spoken at Commencement September 12, 1781.[1] Col. Baldwin came p.m. (from Brookfield).
[1]Joel Barlow (1754-1812), A poem, spoken at the public commencement at Yale College, in New-Haven; September 12, 1781 (Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, [1781]). Evans 17090.
August 25, 1782
1782 August 25 (Sunday). Preached on Prov. 12.26, former part, a. and p.m. Mrs. Maynard dines here. P.M. I appointed the Communion and acquainted the Congregation with what the Church had voted with respect to a Fast, and recommended it to them. I desired them to manifest their Consent by Rising up, which they did — to be next Thursday, by leave and Help of God.
August 26, 1782
1782 August 26 (Monday). Mr. Brigham goes to Boston in Col. Baldwins Chaise, and with his Horse; they waiting on my Daughter Baldwin to tarry a little at her Brother Samuels. Col. Baldwin p.m. Setts out for Brookfield. Mrs. P________ makes a Visit to Mrs. Baker who is confined with a Sore Breast. N.B. I have writ to Mr. Sumner, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Fitch of the Fast.
August 27, 1782
1782 August 27 (Tuesday). Mrs. P________ rode to Capt. Maynard’s, a.m. Returned at Eve.
August 28, 1782
1782 August 28 (Wednesday). A Number of persons, particularly Deacon Wood, Mr. Joseph Harrington here and afford Mutton and Lamb. Squire Baker Pork, Tongues, Candles. Some others Sauce; Squashes, Roots.
August 29, 1782
1782 August 29 (Thursday). A Day of Solemn FASTING and Prayer. See the 22d day. The Drought continues and the Cold Nights. Mr. P. Whitney began with prayer: Mr. Frost preached a.m. on Mat. 24.12. Mr. Sumner prayed p.m. Mr. Whitney preached on Heb. 3.2. After which I prayed, And O that a merciful and gracious God would Vouchsafe to Pardon and accept for His dear sons sake! Mr. Frost tarrys with us. The Pastures are so burnt, that the Horses are put into the Barn. N.B. Mr. Brigham returned from Watertown so as to attend with us in the publick Exercises: and Alexander came at Eve.
August 30, 1782
1782 August 30 (Friday). Mr. Frost left us. So did my son after Dinner, for Fitchburgh. N.B. There was this Morning, in low Grounds a Frost.
August 31, 1782
1782 August 31 (Saturday). My Son Samuel has Sent me a Box of hollond Pipes, containing two Dozen which arrived safe. This morning was unusually foggy. It was so thick that we could not see at Scarcely a Rod or two distance. But though surprizing for awhile we concluded at length, it was caused chiefly by a Coal-Pit; yet as far as Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s. Two young Kinsfolks Master William Bowes Bradford and his Sister Miss Betsy, arrived from Boston, to make us a Visit. N.B. Am informed that Neighbour Caleb Harrington having Set Fire to some part of his Meadow, it ran and spread.