May 23, 1782

1782 May 23 (Thursday).  Polly Scott remains in a Weak, afflicted Condition.  Kept her Bed chiefly — has another Fit this forenoon.  Mr. Moore goes away with his Horses.  Mr. Scott to see his Daughter.  P.M. attend the Burial of Mr. Jonathan Maynards Infant.  In the Evening Solemnized the Marriage of Isaac Ruggles and Hephzibah Parker.  After which I was hurried away to Capt. Jonas Brigham’s, who has been raising a Barn — from the upper part of which a Young Man has fallen to the Ground and tis feared his Death is Nigh.  I am requested to make all Haste to him.  When I arrived the young man was reviv’d and complained only his Wrists, which were bruised and strained — a Marvellous Deliverance. God be praised and magnifyed!  I gave Thanks and prayed with him and the people who were there.  The Young Man was John, son of Mr. Seth Woods: aged about 19 Years.  I lodged there.