1780 July 27 (Thursday). My Affairs are in a very uncomfortable situation. Mr. Biglow reaps, is too old and feeble to do much — there is a great part of the Field of Rye yet remaining. No body offers to assist, though divers talked of it. The late Grant of the Town was for my present Necessity but the Money cant be raised and paid and a Man or Men provided till the Grain and Grass are lost. The Newton Meadow is untouched and no help provided. In this critical Junction, Elias would fain break off from work and rest himself, intending tomorrow to go to Brookfield and then to Springfield: though there is no man that can by any means possibly be obtained: When Mr. Biglow finishes the Reaping, there can be nobody to cart it home. Elias reaped part of the Day. I walked up to Mr. Warrin’s and acquainted him with my present State. He sent his son John. I went to Mr. Kenney, who sent his son Joel — those Boys reaped p.m. Capt. Morse came in to see me. No Hope from him of any Help. Capt. Fisher agrees to go and cut my new Swamp, and he is to allow me as he finds is just. The Drought is become very intense. The Corn suffers very much, and all Vegetables. An holy Frown of God! May we be suitably affected with it, and prepared for the Divine Will! Elias carted home about 11 Shock of Rye at evening.