July 5, 1780

1780 July 5 (Wednesday).  Breck is gone to Boston.  I read Warburton’s Notes, on Pope’s Essay on Man.  Mr. Thos. Kendal who has been Preaching at Kittery, is returning there again; but tarrys today, while he is here.  Mr. Sam Brigham commissioned to be a Lieutenant to those that are the Militia, and for three months, Desires prayers and a Sermon, in behalf of not only himself, but others that go with him.  Old Mr. Daniel Hardy, who went to Brookfield yesterday a.m. returns from there today about three p.m.  By him came news not only from My Daughter Baldwin, but that she has had Letters of June 15 from her Husband and Br. Ebenezer.  Mr. Zech. Hicks came for his aunt Champney — lodged here.

July 6, 1780

1780 July 6 (Thursday).  Sister Lydia Champney removes from hence to Sutton, both herself and her Goods, by the Assistance of Mr. Zech. Hicks, though this parting from us is with no small Regret.  At eve I was miserably dull and unfit for any Thing.  The little Sleep and Multitude of heavy Cares and Trouble have made me very soggy and incapable of laudable Exertion.

July 7, 1780

1780 July 7 (Friday).  But this morning am (through God’s Goodness) in tolerable Plight — had an Opportunity to discourse with Ensign James Miller, who being commonly an Opposer of the Town’s Adding to my Salery, I enquired of him the Reasons, and endeavored to obviate them. A.M. Breck returned from Boston.  P.M. Ensign Snow and Wife.  She brought her Relation.

July 8, 1780

1780 July 8 (Saturday).  Four Men came kindly to give a Morning Jobb, and cut down the English and Clover Grass in my West Field.  They were Messrs. Thad. Warrin, Paul Lamson, Jonathan Pierce and Ebenezer Force.  They worked till nine o’clock a.m.  Mr. Brigham brought home Cloth from Clothier Woods, Northborough.

July 9, 1780

1780 July 9 (Sunday).  Read Zech. 14.  Preach a.m. on Gal. 6.7-8.  Mr. Bridge of Worcester, Mr. Jonathan Fay, and Lieut. Sam Brigham din’d here.  P.M. preached on Deut. and addressed the Soldiers who sat by themselves.  Mr. Brigham and Snow were admitted into the Church.  So was her Husband, who removed from Southborough.  At eve in the Family read Flavell on Rev. 3.20.

July 12, 1780

1780 July 12 (Wednesday).  P.M. Came Mrs. Thurston and her Mother Harrington with her to assist her in her Examination.  N.B. Mr. Brigham sat out for Boston and going through Marlborough.  I sent Mrs. Speakman’s Pope’s Essay on Man.  A Piece well worth Reading.  At eve I visit Capt. John Wood’s Wife being in deep Grief for the Loss of their Babe.  The mowers here yet.  But Elias towards night gives up, is sick and goes to bed.

July 15, 1780

1780 July 15 (Saturday).  Mr. Pierce does not come to work, but Ruggles comes for the forenoon only.  Two load more from the Interval.  At ev’g came Mr. Daniel Adams with a Paper which is addressed to the Church.  He complains of hard Usage: and is in some warmth with me.  I told him I could not lay it before the Church tomorrow, because there were various things to be done etc.

July 16, 1780

1780 July 16 (Sunday).  Read Malachi, Chap. I, and forenoon Exercise was upon the beginning of it.  N.B. Mr. Brigham and Sophy were published.  Capt. Fisher, with leave, read to the Congregation, after the Blessing, his very urgent Orders for raising Soldiers.  Mrs. Maynard dined.  P.M. I preached on Gal. VI.7-8.  On account of the Harvest.  At evening I read further Mr. Flavell on Rev. 3.20.

July 17, 1780

1780 July 17 (Monday).  The Militia Soldiers 14 under Lieut. Brigham marched.  Mr. Corn. Biglow came to reap my Island Field of Rye.  I had conference with Mr. Han. Parker.  Elias does not work, but waits upon Miss Lois Burnet, who is here at work on his Coat which is made of the Cloth which Mr. Wood of Northborough had dyed black and fulled, lately for us.  Town Meet, partly to see whether they will do anything in regard to my Salary.  I sent them a Paper, which was read.  I hear that they voted thirteen Hundred to make up the Deficiency of the last year.  I thank God for thus much.  May I have grace to improve it!

July 18, 1780

1780 July 18 (Tuesday).  Am sadly disappointed of the Work which I hoped for.  Elias, being not well, can do nothing; though everything is pressing and urgent: only he went up the street to speak to Mr. Joseph Smith, who had told me once and again that he would work for me: but is now engaged to Deacon Wood, and Elias fetched me the Paper (which the Col. as Town Clerk has) which I sent the Town yesterday — and he copy’d it.

July 19, 1780

1780 July 19 (Wednesday).  Many Interruptions and Avocations from my Studys, so that I can but imperfectly prepare for the Solemnity approaching, but would humbly commit myself, my Way, my Work to God.  Elias has been so out of health, that he has not been able for Several days to work.  But today he went a while to the Interval and there being part of a Load of Hay in Cock there, he mowes 3 or 4 Cocks, and with my Team he brought it home: and p.m. he went to the Island, where Mr. Biglow is reaping, and (Mr. Biglow pitching it) Elias brought home a Load of Rye of 12 Shock and 1 Sheaf.  N.B. Miss Lois Burnet at work here and part of p.m. her Kinswoman Henrietta with her.  Miss Patty Fisk here and dines with us.  We are under the Holy Frowns of Heaven, by parching Heat and Dryness.  May the God of infinite Pity and Mercy send Relief to us!

July 20, 1780

1780 July 20 (Thursday).  A Day of humiliation, FASTING and Prayer, on account of the uncommon Distress.  Preached a.m. on 1 Kings 20.28 last clause and though I wrote much, and was long in the Exercise, yet could not be so particular in Application as I designed, and very much desired.  P.M. I delivered some parts of Discourse on Eccl. 8.11 and added Applications, Reproofs, Exhortations and Cautions.  When we returned, found my Grandson Isaac Baldwin from Cambridge here, going home.  He lodged here with us.

July 21, 1780

1780 July 21 (Friday).  Was forced to go out and look up Workmen.  Capt. Fisher is gone to mowe for me at Middle Meadow (or my Interval).  Mr. Biglow again reaps, and Elias part of the forenoon.  P.M. goes to the Interval, to look after the Hay there.  When he returns he goes up to the Flock of Sheep.  N.B. A Fire prevailed a while in the Hill Nigh Wood’s Field, but did not much Dammage, though a dry Time and somewhat Windy.  Mrs. Hannah (wife of Mr. Thomas) Andrews here and passes Examination freely, as to knowledge and hopeful Experience.  D.G. Paul Biglow comes with Joshua Twitchell and Fortunatus Miller.  The two latter being Deserters: to see Gen’l Washington’s Proclamation of Pardon to such: And P. Biglow would for a large Reward, go in Miller’s stead.

July 22, 1780

1780 July 22 (Saturday).  Three men are mowing at the Interval, viz. Capt. Fisher, Mr. Elijah Force (who goes for Mr. Joseph Smith, and he is instead of Mr. Isaac Parker, who will work for Smith instead of it).  Mr. Thad. Warrin also works a.m., but no longer.  Elias home a Load of Hay at noon.  At Night another, but too late.

July 23, 1780

1780 July 23 (Sunday).  Read part of II Chron. 6 and preached on 6 to 31 on Consideration of the uncommon Dryness of the Weather.  P.M. on Gal. 6.8 former part.  N.B. The Church was stayed and I read Mr. Adams’ Paper date July 21, 1780 and signed Daniel Adams.  The consideration of it was deferred to the Adjournment of the Church Meeting, which is to the last Monday in August next (God willing).  N.B. Mr. Brigham and Sophy were published the last Time.  At eve Read part of Mr. Flavell’s 5th Sermon on Rev. 3.20.

July 24, 1780

1780 July 24 (Monday).  Mr. Biglow comes again to reap.  Capt. Fisher works at the Interval partly for me, helping Elias in getting the Hay there ready, and Elias brings home one Load, having Deacon Wood’s Oxen added to our Team: and Elias carrys one Load of the Interval Hay to Capt. Fisher, and at eve he fetches home one Load of Rye.  Miss Lois Burnet and her Kinswoman (Henrietta) at work here again on making Cloths for Elias.

July 26, 1780

1780 July 26 (Wednesday).  Elias went with out Team, and Breck went with him to load and though it was but a small Jagg, it was the last from the Interval.  In all thirteen times, the Team has gone for me, and once for Capt. Fisher.  P.M. Elias goes to reaping, for Mr. Biglow reaps but slowly.  Mr. Beriah Ware here, and was in great, singular and distressful trouble, but not so much upon spiritual as temporal accounts.  Remarkable uneasiness by reason of a Disappointment etc. etc.  This was the more noticeable as the Man is well towards 40 years of age.

July 27, 1780

1780 July 27 (Thursday).  My Affairs are in a very uncomfortable situation.  Mr. Biglow reaps, is too old and feeble to do much — there is a great part of the Field of Rye yet remaining.  No body offers to assist, though divers talked of it.  The late Grant of the Town was for my present Necessity but the Money cant be raised and paid and a Man or Men provided till the Grain and Grass are lost.  The Newton Meadow is untouched and no help provided.  In this critical Junction, Elias would fain break off from work and rest himself, intending tomorrow to go to Brookfield and then to Springfield: though there is no man that can by any means possibly be obtained: When Mr. Biglow finishes the Reaping, there can be nobody to cart it home.  Elias reaped part of the Day.  I walked up to Mr. Warrin’s and acquainted him with my present State.  He sent his son John.  I went to Mr. Kenney, who sent his son Joel — those Boys reaped p.m.  Capt. Morse came in to see me.  No Hope from him of any Help.  Capt. Fisher agrees to go and cut my new Swamp, and he is to allow me as he finds is just.  The Drought is become very intense.  The Corn suffers very much, and all Vegetables.  An holy Frown of God!  May we be suitably affected with it, and prepared for the Divine Will!  Elias carted home about 11 Shock of Rye at evening.

July 28, 1780

1780 July 28 (Friday).  Mr. Bigelow reaps a.m.  Elias also.  Breck took a morn-spell at it.  Deacon Wood has the Oxen part of a.m.  Breck has them p.m.  He sends them down to meet a Teemer, who is bringing up a Load from Boston.  P.M. About a quarter after two o’clock, God was pleased to remember us in Mercy and sent Rain, together with Thunder and Lightning.  To His Name be Glory!  Mr. Biglow went home about 4 p.m., and Elias to reaping again. At eve heard that Mr. Abraham Bond’s Barn was burnt by the Lightning.

July 30, 1780

1780 July 30 (Sunday).  I preached on 1 Cor. 11-29.  Administered the Lord’s Supper: before which Samuel Thurston and Sarah his wife were admitted into the Church.  Mrs. Maynard and Mr. Hazeltine dined here.  P.M. on Gal. 6.8.  At eve read (Breck, his wife etc. attending with us as usual) another part of Mr. Flavell on Rev. 3.20.  May God graciously accept!