July 5, 1779

1779 July 5 (Monday).  Visited Mr. Belknap and dined there.  He has a Widow Sister that lives there.  Her name is Flagg.  I called at Mrs. Seth Wood’s, and obtained of her to weave for us.  I also made a Business of visiting and prayed with old Mrs. Chamberlain.  She was very ill and under hysteric Affections.  I called at Mr. William Johnson’s.  Young Mrs. Belknap went with me to her Father’s, Ensign Snow’s, who put a Cheese into my Saddle Baggs.  I called at Mr. Beeman’s and at Mr. Thos. Andrew’s.  On my way home I went into the Workhouse to see a Stranger who was taken sick on the Road from Fishkill and going to his Family at Casco Bay.