1779 June 1 (Tuesday). I attended the Funeral of Mr. Daniel How, who dyed at Mr. Fessenden’s. Mr. Woodward of Weston and his Ladie, on a journey to Hartford, Springfield etc. called and dined here. P.M. I preached at Lt. Grout’s on Lam. 1.9 into page 8th.
Month: June 1779
June 2, 1779
1779 June 2 (Wednesday). Breck returns from Boston. Ephraim Parker is preparing to go with the Oxen and Horse to Waltham for earthen Ware. I wrote a letter for Sister Champney to Mr. Ripley of Concord, about her Chest. I covered it with a Letter to my Son William in reply to his of May 24, received by Breck.
June 3, 1779
1779 June 3 (Thursday). Ephraim went to Waltham, sat out about 3 a.m. N.B. Timothy Bryant’s Time being out, he went with Parker, in order to return to his Mother at Stoneham. I gave him eight dollars, which was as much as I could spare. I wrote by him to his Mother. May God be the guardian of his Youth! Mr. Elisha Forbes directs that his uncle Eli’s sheep be sent to his pasture, and his brother Simon, with Billy Spring, drives them there. I catechize at the Meeting House. 34 Boys. 44 Girls. After catechizing I married Phineas Hardy to Sarah Wiman. He gave me Eight Dollars. N.B. Mr. Joseph Harrington was here and manifested Disgust at the Proceedings of the late Council at Bolton. At eve, but before Sunsetting, I by Request of Mr. Sam’l Forbush, went to his House. He has been raising a new Barn, and moving part of an Old One. I was at their Supper, after which we Sang part of Ps. 112.
June 4, 1779
1779 June 4 (Friday). Ephraim Parker returned from Waltham with a load of earthen ware for Breck. Mrs. Ruth Godfrey came to see us, and tarrys over night with us.
June 5, 1779
1779 June 5 (Saturday). Mrs. Godfrey returns home. She is very much out of Health, and (I understand) reduced in worldly Circumstances.
June 6, 1779
1779 June 6 (Sunday). Preached on Zech. IV.6-10. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. preached on Rom. 8.11. I did not read today.
June 7, 1779
1779 June 7 (Monday). Col. Cushing brought my Grandson John Cushing from Shrewsbury, to reside a while with us. Breck acquaints me with his great Losses by the Remarkable Depreciation of the medium. P.M. Messrs. Daniel Forbes and Joseph Harrington here to talk with me about Mr. Daniel Adams and his wife’s indecent living apart: and what method must be taken with them: But most probably their design was (and Mr. Gale came in to join them) to find fault with the Result of the late Council at Bolton. And they request they may have it read to them again on the next Lecture Day.
June 8, 1779
1779 June 8 (Tuesday). I rode to Mr. Nat. Whitney’s in Grafton to talk with Hannah Whitney about her Humiliation and joining with the Church. Then proceeded to Mr. Grosvenor’s, but neither he nor she was at home. I went into Mr. Joseph Brown’s, with hope to see his Electrical Machine, but he was again gone to Providence. His lady was generous in entertaining me. I dined there and she sent her son Obadiah to call Mr. Henstick, the baptist Minister, to show me the said Machine. Mr. Grosvenor had by this time returned from Sutton, and came to me, and kindly assisted Mr. Henstick in the Electrical Operations, which were wonderful. I was electrized a number of times, the rather as it was said to be a Remedy against the Cramp, which I am much subject to. The Experiments led me to utter, “how Manifold are thy Works, O Lord, in Wysdom hast thou Made them all.” In returning home, I came by Mr. Isaiah Fairbanks and Mr. Nurse’s. Miss Lydia and Miss Rebecca request a Fast may be kept at their House, and that Mr. Sumner and Mr. Fisk may be sought to perform on that occasion. The time, to be, God Willing, this day Fortnight. I came home safely through the Divine Goodness to me.
June 9, 1779
1779 June 9 (Wednesday). Sophy with Mr. Brigham, in Mr. Newton’s Chaise, goes to Marlborough. Mr. Goodhall here and shows me the Certificate of his Ordination at large, or as a Missionary, to go to the State of Vermont. Mr. Elijah Hardy’s wife makes us a visit.
June 10, 1779
1779 June 10 (Thursday). Sister Champney is putting up her things in order to leave us. Mr. Mellen and his wife call and drink Coffee. A Training Day with the South Company. Much imprudent Firing. Read Roman’s Annals of the Netherlands, Vol. I.
June 11, 1779
1779 June 11 (Friday). Sister Champney left us to go to Mr. Jonas Bond’s in Sutton. My son Breck went with her in Mr. Barn. Newton’s Chaise, and left her at Mr. Bond’s. We have bad news of a Fleet supposed to be British, on our Coast, and some other Evil Tidings.
June 12, 1779
1779 June 12 (Saturday). [No entry.]
June 13, 1779
1779 June 13 (Sunday). Delivered another exercise on Zech. IV, viz. from v. 11 to the End. The widow of the late Capt. Benj. Fay dined with us. P.M. Considering that this is the Time when Invasions and a new campaign are feared, I delivered again a sermon on Isa. 1.19 to the beginning of page 7, with divers alterations and additions.
June 14, 1779
1779 June 14 (Monday). Send by Dr. Hawes, a letter to Mr. Moore, also to Mr. Thos. Adams.
June 15, 1779
1779 June 15 (Tuesday). Rain the Forenoon. I could not go to Northborough Association, dined at home, but p.m. I went to Mr. Whitneys. Mr. Stone, Smith and Goss there. I returned at Eve. Breck and his Wife and Daughter, Mr. Brigham and Sophy are gone, in two Chaises, to Boston. Mr. Forbes and Miss Charlotte Saunders came at eve, and lodged here. Capt. Maynard’s work men are moving the Walls.
June 16, 1779
1779 June 16 (Wednesday). Mr. Forbes and his Daughter left us to go to Brookfield. N.B. Before he went, his cousin Elisha came, and they agree about the nine Sheep of Mr. F. which I have heretofore kept. Mr. Aaron Smith came — dined with us — Lt. Bond, and with him a yoke of Oxen and Horse — my Eph. Parker with my oxen and Breck’s mare go on in plowing fallow ground at the Island.
June 17, 1779
1779 June 17 (Thursday). I looked for Mr. Whitney to preach my Lecture, but he did not come. I preached myself on Ps. 139.23 to the latter part of page 6 and concluded with a few warm Expositions extemp. Mr. Daniel Forbes, Mr. Gale and Mr. Joseph Harrington t’other Day requested the Church might be stopped and the late Result at Bolton might be read again to them. I therefore gratified them, but it was at the sad Cost of our Peace: for there were presently bitter Exceptions against the Result and against the Council that formed it. I endeavored to open and to explain every Difficulty, and ease every Complaint — but it was in vain. They were not quiet when we parted. I desire to be humble before God on account of this sorrowful Token of his holy Displeasure, and pray for Divine Pity. At my House were Messrs. Johnathan Fay and Eli Brigham, who also eat with me: and we were chearful notwithstanding what I had met with. N.B. One Mr. Haden of Grafton tells me that they are in great Confusion, having had a meeting there to see whether they should build a new Meeting House: or whether they should repair the old one: and whether they would grant Mr. Grosvenor some Relief; but they contended and would do neither. For which I am sorely grieved.
June 18, 1779
1779 June 18 (Friday). I am in some Fear that the disquieted Brethren will desire to have the Communion deferred, but none came to me.
June 19, 1779
1779 June 19 (Saturday). We are in anxiety about Mr. Forbes and Daughter, which should have come last night, Commencement at Cambridge.
June 20, 1779
1779 June 20 (Sunday). Administered the Lord’s Supper — preached a.m. on Ps. 139.24 (having read the Ps. publicly), p.m. on Ps. 36.1-7. Squire Whipple and his wife and Mrs. Maynard dined here. N.B. Congress’s Address to the States about the Currency, though long, it was read partly by me and partly by Deacon Bond and Mr. Elijah Brigham, in the Congregation. Mr. Daniel Nurse tells me that the designed Fast at his Sister’s, is put off till after the busy Season.
June 21, 1779
1779 June 21 (Monday). Mr. Forbes and Daughter Charlotte came from Spencer, he having preached there yesterday: and sent Mr. Maccarty to Concord. They lodge here. Town Meeting and Training to raise nine men forthwith; but they do not succeed.
June 22, 1779
1779 June 22 (Tuesday). Mr. Forbes and daughter leave us to go to Concord, Camb. and Boston. Wrote to Elias by him. P.M. came Mr. Johnathan Hobby from Concord, and brought Mrs. Minot to see us. They lodge here.
June 23, 1779
1779 June 23 (Wednesday). Ephraim Parker begins to Mowe. Mr. Hobby, Mrs. Minot and Sophy walk up to Squire Baker’s, but return to dine with us. P.M. our Company leave us to go to Northborough, and Mr. Brigham and Sophy accompany them. Mr. Fitch visits, to tell me he is engaged to Change with Mr. Sanford next Sabbath, but will change the 11 of July. Mr. Cushing and Mr. William May came and lodged here.
June 24, 1779
1779 June 24 (Thursday). I was a while at the Hay. Mr. Cushing after Dinner goes to Lancaster, and carrys his son John with him, to go home.
June 25, 1779
1779 June 25 (Friday). Mr. Henry Quincy came to Break fast with Breck — refreshed himself with me at 10. By him I wrote to his Father now at Newtown and to Mr. Thos. Adams of Medfield, who I hear is much out of Health.
June 26, 1779
1779 June 26 (Saturday). Received from Mr. Moore two Letters dated [blank]. He informs me that his Negro Man, Cato, is taken by the British force, and that he has lost 1500 wt. of Rice. I hear of Rejoicings lately at Boston and Cambridge, on account of Gen’l Lincoln’s Victory over the English Army in South Carolina. For several days I have drooped, and have but low Appetite, especially at dining. I am become thinner, but Ps. 73.26.[1]
[1]Psalm 73.26: “My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.”
June 27, 1779
1779 June 27 (Sunday). Was but faint and my Exercises too long. Read Zech. V. From 1 to 4 v. was the Exercise a.m. On Isa. 1.19 to page 11 p.m. Admitted Hannah Whitney to Charity, and into Church Fellowship, and baptized a Child of Mr. Benj. Warrin’s.
June 28, 1779
1779 June 28 (Monday). Read Bell’s Travels — thro’ Siberia and Tartary to Pekin. I was somewhat lively, yet not as heretofore. I thank God for my Preservation and earnestly wish for Grace to improve my Time and Talents.
June 29, 1779
1779 June 29 (Tuesday). I opened and spread Hay a while a.m. Mrs. P. has rid unto the South of the Town to procure Worsted Combings. She went to the Outermost House and returned in Safety. P.M. the News Papers which contain Gen’l Lincoln’s Victory over the British Forces in South Carolina. To God be glory! I wrote to Mr. Jonas Bond of the North of Sutton concerning Sister Champney.
June 30, 1779
1779 June 30 (Wednesday). Some part of the Day I was feeble and faint, heartless and do but little — “Cur mundus, militat sub vana Gloria” etc. etc.[1] Afterwards I had somewhat more of Vivacity. D.G. The Lord is Long-Suffering to astonishment!
[1]“Why does the world labor under vain glory?” The medieval poem continues: “Whose prosperity is transitory,/ its power disintegrates as quickly.”