June 10, 1778

1778 June 10 (Wednesday).  Elias goes up to Grafton, being [torn] Shearing the Sheep: and at night [torn] home [torn] Mr. Farrar came not.  I prea[torn] my Self [illegible] from Luke 19.10 from p. 14 to [torn].  Very thin Lecture [torn] not but observe it to them that were there, how many empty [Pews?] and how empty the Gallerys were.  After Lecture Mr. Nat. [Rugg?] here about hiring or taking, one or more of my Cows, but they were both gone to Mr. Tainters, and [dined?] Mrs. Bent who weaves for Mrs. Parkman, brought home a Piece of Linnen Cloth, for the weaving of which I paid her five Dollars and a quarter.