1778 June 8 (Monday). I had desired, and my Thoughts had been much upon visiting the prisoners again (they having themselves requested it) but the weather proved rainy — and I was obliged to get home as soon as I well could, because of the Communion next sabbath and the preceeding Lecture. Also I was obliged to go home through Grafton — for which Reasons I omitted visiting abovesaid and I could not help resisting the importunity of Mr. Stearns (attorney) to dine with him to day. When I had took leave there, I rode to friendly Mr. Pratts, and being refreshed, went on my Journey — to Mr. Tanners, where I dined. He lends me Mr. Hopkins of Newport on Sin’s being the means of Good. Called at Mr. John Maynards — at Squire Brighams — at Mr. David Stow’s, to See why my Sheep had not been Sheared. Met Mr. Farrar, and though he was the Beginner of the Affair, and had repeated his Engagements to me, to preach my Lecture on Wednesday next, yet has he made an Appointment with Mr. Grosvenor, to go up to Brookfield. At Night the Singers had a Meeting at Brecks, but for better Convenience they adjourned to the Meeting-House.