February 14, 1778

1778 February 14 (Saturday).  Isaac Forbush brings from Squire Baker the Quarters of a Cow he has killed for me.  They weighed 390.  Mr. William Watkins of Patridgefield, and his Brother Samuel Sell me 96 wt. of Flax and are to the paid by 48 pound of Soal Leather, or in money in that Proportion.  Mr. Ezra Ripley from Framingham and going to Barre, accompanyed by Mr. Packard, a Candidate going to Pelham, call here, but would not stay to dine.  Mr. Luke Wilder of Lancaster, dined and afterwards, with Messrs. Jonathan Batherick and Winslow Brigham, Sang several Tunes with us.  Mr. Daniel Stockwell present to hear the Singing.  Mrs. P________ gone to Neighbour Lambson’s Wife.  A son born.  Mrs. P. returns between 3 and 4 this morning.