1778 January 1 (Thursday). I Spent this New-Years Day chiefly in religious Retirement, admiring the Goodness and Long-Suffering of God to me in so advanced Life! Returning Him hearty Thanks for Preserving me through the various scenes of the last Year; praying earnestly that the wise, holy, Sovereign Designs of the most High therein may be answered, begging and imploring Forgiveness of all my many Transgressions; through the Blood of the Great Atonement resolving and engaging to watch against every Temptation and to pursue the Paths of true Holiness and Peace. I read part of Scudders daily Walk in Christ. And renewed my Covenant with God — which may He graciously accept! Graciously afford me His all-sufficient Help to keep; and may all be done in the strength of Christ on whom alone is my Hope, my Faith and my Expectations grounded, His Merits, Righteousness and Intercession with God. I went over also the Principal Articles in my Meditations on Jan. 1 drawn up first in the Year 1738/9, reviewing also Several parts of my Journal to promote self-Review. But have great Reason to mourn that all I have done has been so broken and imperfect. May God most gracious, of His infinite Mercy forgive me!
At Eve came my Son Forbes from Brookfield and lodged here. N.B. Officers of the Regiment Met this Day at Capt. Maynards and were Sworn. Breck was, as Adjutant to the Regiment.