1778 February 3 (Tuesday). My perplexitys are unusually great on various Accounts. Elias ought to go to Cambridge to day, as the Vacation will be up tomorrow, and he ought to be there to secure the Waiters-ship; but he is unhappily distempered and cannot go. My Wood is near out and the Roads so muddy nobody is inclined to go to cut or cart any. I was seized with Lameness by undertaking to lift up and remove what was heavy; which much incommoded me for riding — yet hearing that Capt. Jonathan Fay was very ill, I undertook to go to him. Discours’d and prayed with him. In returning home Mr. Jonathan Forbes met me and asked me whether it was not the Day for the private Meeting at sergeant Forbes’s? It was So: but by reason that no body had come to me to remind and request me as usual upon it, it unhappily (being much embarrassed and perplexed, as abovesaid) Slipped my Mind, to my great Grief. May God forgive my Omission, and may all who were disappointed hereby be compassionate towards me under this Infirmity! At Eve Col. Baldwin from Boston, and Cousen Thomas Needham from the Camp at Albany. And they lodged here.