1778 February 6 (Friday). Mr. Badcock and Samuel Brigham breakfast and dine here. P.M. The singers meet at the Meeting House. We began with Singing — Sang Dr. Watts’s Hymn Te Deum, in St. Martyn’s. Then I prayed. Sang Ps. 113. Preached on Ps. 47.6, a Collection out of Various setts of Sermons on the subject. The last Singing before the Blessing was the 95th Hymn, and Gloria Patri. After my Exercise was over, they Sung some Number of tunes, and I tarried a While to hear. Mr. Badcock returns to my House. He, with Bradshaw and Brigham here at Tea. Talk with Simon Forbes concerning the private Meeting. At his Motion I agree to appoint it to be (D.V.) next Tuesday. Jonathan Fay here at Evening. His Father is better. The Violent snow storm prevents Mr. Badcocks coming to lodge to night.