February 1, 1778

1778 February 1 (Sunday).  A.M. I delivered another Exercise on Jam. 5.8 and closed the subject.  May a gracious God place to make the word effectual!  Masters Fish and Bradshaw dined here.  P.M. I repeated a sermon on Ps. 77, forepart, especially v. 1.2.3, and then v. 13.14.  N.B. I knew not that I had repeated it before, namely on June 1st 1766, but I could not finish it.  After Meeting Mr. Badcock and Bradshaw came and lodged here.  N.B. Our Evening was spent very much in Singing.

February 2, 1778

1778 February 2 (Monday).  Elias rides to Holden to one Mr. Samuel Grant’s who has advertized an Heiffer, which he had strayed.  Elias thinks it is Mine, but Mr. Grant says he took in this, as long ago as last June, therefore E. returns without her.  N.B. Mr. Badcock dines at Capt. Morse’s, and at night he goes to Mr. Tainters.  I read Palladium of Conscience, or the Foundation of Religious Liberty displayed, asserted and established, containing Furneaux’s Letters to Blackstone, Priestly’s Remarks on Blackstones Commentarys etc.: And Blackstone’s Case of the Middlesex Elections.[1]

[1]The Palladium of conscience; or, The foundation of religious liberty displayed, asserted, and established, agreeable to its true and genuine principles, above the reach of all petty tyrants, who atempt to lord it over the human mind. Containing Furneaux’s Letters to Blackstone. Priestley’s Remarks on Blackstone. Blackstone’s Reply to Priestley. and Blackstone’s Case of the Middlesex-elections; with some other tracts, worthy of high rank in every gentleman’s literary repository, being a necessary companion for every lover of religious liberty. And an interesting appendix to Blackstone’s Commentaries on the laws of England ([Philadelphia]: Robert Bell, 1773; Evans 13154).

February 3, 1778

1778 February 3 (Tuesday).  My perplexitys are unusually great on various Accounts.  Elias ought to go to Cambridge to day, as the Vacation will be up tomorrow, and he ought to be there to secure the Waiters-ship; but he is unhappily distempered and cannot go.  My Wood is near out and the Roads so muddy nobody is inclined to go to cut or cart any.  I was seized with Lameness by undertaking to lift up and remove what was heavy; which much incommoded me for riding — yet hearing that Capt. Jonathan Fay was very ill, I undertook to go to him.  Discours’d and prayed with him.  In returning home Mr. Jonathan Forbes met me and asked me whether it was not the Day for the private Meeting at sergeant Forbes’s?  It was So: but by reason that no body had come to me to remind and request me as usual upon it, it unhappily (being much embarrassed and perplexed, as abovesaid) Slipped my Mind, to my great Grief.  May God forgive my Omission, and may all who were disappointed hereby be compassionate towards me under this Infirmity!  At Eve Col. Baldwin from Boston, and Cousen Thomas Needham from the Camp at Albany.  And they lodged here.

February 4, 1778

1778 February 4 (Wednesday).  Col. Baldwin and Cousen Needham left us — one for Brookfield, the other for SalemDrury Fairbank and Elijah Warrin killed and dressed a Pig for me.  Samuel Brigham dined here.  P.M. He, Elias and Sophy attend the Singing School at Deacon Woods, as usual.  Mr. Badcock at night and he lodged here.  We are certifyed the Vacation is protracted to March.

February 5, 1778

1778 February 5 (Thursday).  Mr. Badcock here at Breakfast and Dinner but tarried at Deacon Woods at Night.  In the forenoon a Number of Singers were here, with Mr. Badcock and desire me to meet with them tomorrow in the Meeting House, to pray and preach to them.  They Sing here till noon.  Mr. Badcock and Mr. Batherick dine here.  I Consent to go to the Meeting House tomorrow.  Their Motive is to try their Skill in singing [thirc?] and with Reading the Line, which they hadn’t been used to.  Mr. Badcock came not at night.

February 6, 1778

1778 February 6 (Friday).  Mr. Badcock and Samuel Brigham breakfast and dine here.  P.M. The singers meet at the Meeting House.  We began with Singing — Sang Dr. Watts’s Hymn Te Deum, in St. Martyn’s.  Then I prayed.  Sang Ps. 113.  Preached on Ps. 47.6, a Collection out of Various setts of Sermons on the subject.  The last Singing before the Blessing was the 95th Hymn, and Gloria Patri.  After my Exercise was over, they Sung some Number of tunes, and I tarried a While to hear.  Mr. Badcock returns to my House.  He, with Bradshaw and Brigham here at Tea.  Talk with Simon Forbes concerning the private Meeting.  At his Motion I agree to appoint it to be (D.V.) next TuesdayJonathan Fay here at Evening.  His Father is better.  The Violent snow storm prevents Mr. Badcocks coming to lodge to night.

February 7, 1778

1778 February 7 (Saturday).  Miss Mindwell Brigham was able to come to lodge here last night (as She has done for Some time) but is forced by the Storm in the morning to continue with us Somewhat longer: but p.m. She and the rest went in the Sleigh to singing School.  N.B. Capt. Fisher came at the Desire of the Singers, and in their Name thanked me for my Sermon to them yesterday.  Capt. Morse was also appointed to come with him, but he did not.

February 8, 1778

1778 February 8 (Sunday).  Mr. Badcock and his Singers Sat in the Front, on the Womens Side and rose up to Sing — Sung a.m. [blank] p.m. [blank].  I preached a.m. again on Ps. 77.13.14.  P.M. on Col. 3.16 from page 17, omitting p. 23 to 26, thence to p. 28.  Mr. Badcock dined here, returned after meeting and tarried over night.  Cousen Bradshaw with him.

February 9, 1778

1778 February 9 (Monday).  Mr. Badcock here through the Day and lodged here at night.  I went up to his school.  P.M. visit at [Kenny?], Mrs. Malletts, Squire Bakers and Mr. Newtons.  N.B. Mr. Po [pe?] from Boston lodges at Mr. Newtons.  At Eve I returned to the Singing School and tarried ‘till 9 when Elias came home with me in the sleigh.  Mr. Badcock and Cousen Bradshaw came and lodged here.  N.B. To day was the first time of my going to hear the singing.  They performed to good Acceptance.  May it be to the Glory and Honor of God!

February 10, 1778

1778 February 10 (Tuesday).  Several Ganders are missing since the last snow.  Mr. Badcock and Bradshaw breakfast at Brecks.  P.M. I rode to Mr. Daniel Forbes’s.  Preached there on Phil. 4.7 and finished on that Text.  N.B. I had before Meeting gone up to Mr. Isaac Miller, and admonished him for his long absence from Meeting.  Squire Baker brought me home in his sleigh.

February 11, 1778

1778 February 11 (Wednesday).  Mr. Benjamin Bradshaw came from Worcester and dined here.  Mr. Tainter came seasonably with a Load of Wood, as did Jonathan and Calvin Maynard, with another — it being a very Rainy afternoon, and we had but little wood, till these supplies arrived.  N.B. Mr. Bradshaw left us to go to his Brother at his school House, and did not return.


This Evening Mr. Badcocks singing School finishes.

February 14, 1778

1778 February 14 (Saturday).  Isaac Forbush brings from Squire Baker the Quarters of a Cow he has killed for me.  They weighed 390.  Mr. William Watkins of Patridgefield, and his Brother Samuel Sell me 96 wt. of Flax and are to the paid by 48 pound of Soal Leather, or in money in that Proportion.  Mr. Ezra Ripley from Framingham and going to Barre, accompanyed by Mr. Packard, a Candidate going to Pelham, call here, but would not stay to dine.  Mr. Luke Wilder of Lancaster, dined and afterwards, with Messrs. Jonathan Batherick and Winslow Brigham, Sang several Tunes with us.  Mr. Daniel Stockwell present to hear the Singing.  Mrs. P________ gone to Neighbour Lambson’s Wife.  A son born.  Mrs. P. returns between 3 and 4 this morning.

February 16, 1778

1778 February 16 (Monday).  Drury Fairbank, who has boarded at Brecks, has gone away, and does not return.  There are doubtfull Apprehensions concerning him.  Mr. Belknap was here.  I reckoned with him for Four Heart-Barrells, for which I paid him 2 Dollars apiece; and one sap Barrell, for which he takes one Dollar: He gives me two old Barrells, which were borrowed.  I gave him a note to the Constable Parker for nine Dollars.  N.B. The last Barrells I bought of him were (I think) no more than half a Dollar apiece, or it may 25/ old Tenor.  So greatly altered are the Times now!  His son’s Child he would have me visit, but I could not go.

February 17, 1778

1778 February 17 (Tuesday).  I was obliged to go to Squire Bakers to borrow two Sides of Soal Leather, and succeeded.  I visited at Mr. Pipers, O Donalds, and at Mr. Lambsons.  At Eve came Reuben Lambson who was in an unfit Frame.  To prevent further Trouble with him, though he has not worked out his time; four Days being wanting Still; (and they were divers of them in the Summer Months) I took but 15/ old tenor per Day; and though I would have accepted winter Days for them, yet he would not work for me — (Labor being now a Dollar per Day).  I payed him the remainder, and dismissed him.  N.B. Divers times Reuben sadly disappointed me by his Absence from my Bus’ness; and my work has sadly fallen short; yet I gave him the highest wages, notwithstanding he was a Stranger, and I did all I could to encourage and oblige him.

February 20, 1778

1778 February 20 (Friday).  Miss Patty Fish came to See us and to tarry a few Days with us.  Breck returned from Boston by Concord, Sophy and her Company also are come from thence also — but disappointed in design of visiting their Brothers — both were gone with their Wives — one to Medfield, the other to Newbury.  Receive an Answer by Letter from Cousen Bryant about his Timothy; and from Cousen Corsser; who lives still at Mr. Jos. Bradfords.

February 23, 1778

1778 February 23 (Monday).  Write to My son William to supply Elias with a Load of Wood.  Was at Squire Bakers about my lost Heiffer.  Mr. Ezra Riply dines with us in his way to Framingham.  Attend the Funeral of Mr. Abraham Bonds young Child.  Miss Patty rode with me in the Sleigh.  I prayed there: then I proceeded to Mr. Belknaps to visit and pray with their sick Child.  Miss Patty to her Cousen Fishers.  Mr. Paul Lambson here, and I acquaint him with Reuben’s late Conduct.  Singers have their Meetings still at Deacon Woods.

February 24, 1778

1778 February 24 (Tuesday).  Mr. [blank] Laws of Enfield at Brecks about Tobacco which Breck has bought.  Lend Breck 77 Dollars.  Mr. John Belknap of N. Braintree calls to see how we do that he may acquaint my son Ebenezer etc.  Messrs. William and Samuel Watkins here at Dinner and I pay them for 88 lb. of Flax — for which I give them 44 lb. of Soal Leather (which I borrow at Squire Bakers) — and for 8 pounds (which the Flax exceeds the weight of the Leather, for we have 96 bl. of Flax) I pay them six Dollars.  The several School-Masters were here, viz. Master [Eli?] Brigham, Moses Brigham, Elisha Fish, and P. Bradshaw.  The two last Supped and lodged here.

February 25, 1778

1778 February 25 (Wednesday).  Am reading Willins Calcotts Disquisition on Free-Masons.  Masters Fish and Bradshaw go to their Schools.  I went up to Mr. Piper to give him an Account of the Reasons of my Sending for a third Side of Leather.  I also called at Col. Wheelocks; who had received a Letter from Mr. Henry Marble Since his and the other Westborough Soldiers in the Army received the Benefactions from this Town.  I went in also to See Mr. Barker, where I found Fox’s Acts and Monuments; and several other valuable Books.  Cousen Maynard made us a Visit and dined here.  Miss Patty is yet with us, but in the Evening came her Brother and carryed her away from us to their Kinsmans, Mr. Noah Hardy’s.