October 9, 1777

1777 October 9 (Thursday).  Hannah is so low She speaks but a little, and Sophy is continually attached to her, till I fear the Event.  Suse is very helpful as a kind, affectionate sister; took Care of her last night, when Cough followed her so tediously, that She had but little Rest.  John Brown going to Leicester, dined here.  Mr. John Fay of Levertt here, and asks whether he mayn’t own the Covenant here?  For though there is a Church, yet there is no minister in their Town.  Mr. David Sangor came (though it was rainy) from Framingham to bring me back the Dollars which were committed to him on the 15th and brought home safely Monsieur Jurieus Crit. Hist.  Dear Hannah has the Covenant read to her; to which She freely (and She thinks heartily) consents.  She has Such signs and Tokens of Sincerity and of Faith in Christ, that I am much relieved; and desire to praise God for it.  She says (among other Things) that if there was no Hell, She would Shun and loath sin.