1777 September 1 (Monday). Breck has a Letter from Col. Cushing at Bennington to hasten him (as Adjutant) up to him. Fresh Orders are brought into Town for men to march up to relieve those who went lately upon the Alarm. Mr. Stone, who was here, takes a Message to Major Champney at Southborough, and goes home that way to deliver it. My Son Samuel, his Wife and young Child, came from Concord, and dined here. We have more Discovery of the great Ravage Neighbour Newtons Hoggs have done at my Island Field. A Committee of 12 Men sit at Southborough upon a Controversie respecting a Road from Mr. Peter Brewers to Horns Mill. Sophy and Hannah rode down to Mr. Stones. N.B. It proved a damp, heavy air for them to return in; and Hannah had (I fear) rather Hurt than Benefit.
Month: September 1777
September 2, 1777
1777 September 2 (Tuesday). Hannah has coughed so much last night, she has had almost no sleep. Breck has word from Col. Cushing that he is appointed over a Regiment which has already an adjutant so that he need not go. P.M. I went up to Mr. Newton’s to bespeak his Chaise, and acquaint him with the Dammage done to my Field by his Hoggs. Was also at Deacon Woods. My sons Breck and Samuel with their Wives, taking their Sister Hannah with them ride to Col. Brighams.
September 3, 1777
1777 September 3 (Wednesday). After dinner my son Samuel etc. left us. N.B. he has bought him an handsome fall-back Chaise. He carrys with him two volumes of the great Dictionary being Scotts supplement to Chambers. Breck setts up his new Clock, bought at Vendue at Boston. Mr. Samuel Forbushs Daughter Persis dyed this morning of the Throat Distemper. AEt. 10. A great Number of prisoners are conveyed through Northborough in their way to Boston by a Regiment under Command of Col. Riviere.
September 4, 1777
1777 September 4 (Thursday). Breck goes to Worcester and takes License to Retaile. I attended the Funeral of Mr. Samuel Forbush’s Daughter Persis. N.B. A Number of persons, viz. a Man, Charles Hunt and his Wife and 4 Children; also another Woman, Betty Smith, from Danbury, here, begging Relief. We had also a Number [torn] Visitants. My son Alexander came from Leicester [torn] his Son Alexander. His wife was delivered of a Daughter [torn] Tuesday was sennight, and is in an hopeful Way. D.G. Nabby Woods here at Work for Breck. I wrote to Mr. Cushing by Mr. Nathan Maynard junior and Sent him two Letters of Mr. Baldwin to me, Since the Evacuation of Ticonderoga.
September 5, 1777
1777 September 5 (Friday). Alexander pays me 12 Dollars, and gives me a New Note of 8£ instead of his old ones. He leaves us; but leaves his little Boy with us, he being soon to march with soldiers to Bennington. Hannah has an ill Day; is feverish etc.
September 6, 1777
1777 September 6 (Saturday). Hannah is somewhat better, but evidently wastes. Breck was obliged to ride at Evening to Major Champneys at Southborough, on the Account of Commissions to be brought up to this Town.
September 7, 1777
1777 September 7 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Mat. 17.4. May God forgive my unpreparedness, and grant His Blessing, though altogether undeserved! I administered the Lords Supper. O that I might have such Tokens of the gracious presence of Christ, as that I might say (and hope I can in some Measure) that it is good for us to be here. Cousen Maynard and Mr. Noah Hardys Wife dined here.
September 8, 1777
1777 September 8 (Monday). I went up to Squire Bakers to get his Chaise for my dear Hannah’s Journey. His Carriage being defective, he let me have the Top, which we put on Mr. Tainters Wheels, and Mr. Noah Hardy being come, Sophy and Hannah undertake somewhat after noon, to ride to Billys if they can reach it. This important Enterprize I would humbly committ to the sovereign and most gracious God! May the Lord grant success and return them in safety; or prepare all for His holy will! P.M. was a Training in order to draw forth and send out more soldiers instead of those who have returned home. N.B. Molly Pratt, who has helped Suse ever Since her lying in, returns home this Evening to Col. Brigham’s. But Nabby Woods, who works for Breck, is here. One Miss Hannah Allen of Sutton is in a distracted Condition, and stroling She knows not whither, comes here, tarrys and lodges here. A Letter from my Daughter Cushing.
September 9, 1777
1777 September 9 (Tuesday). Hannah Allen left us. May God grant to me and mine the Grace to improve our Reason to His Glory that grants it to us! P.M. attended the Burial of Mr. Francis Barns’s little son Ephraim, which was nigh two years old — dyed of the Throat Distemper. N.B. have been informed that the Rev. Mr. [blank] Johnson, pastor of the Church in Harvard, departed this Life on the [torn]. May I be awakened to Diligence and Faithfulness; and may God [torn] grant I may, my Self, be ready for the awful S[ummons?].
September 10, 1777
1777 September 10 (Wednesday). Fast at Hopkinton on Account of the public Troubles; the Body of that people having been prevented joining in the late public Fast, by the Absence of Mr. Fitch. The Morning was so rainy that I could not get over to the forenoon sermon but I preached p.m. and delivered the substance of my Discourse on Hosea 6.4, which O that God would please to accept and to bless. I returned home at Evening. N.B. Lambson has heard so much of several persons trying to make Molasses of Indian Corn stalks, that he is earnest to See what he can do about it, and therefore prepares for it.
September 11, 1777
1777 September 11 (Thursday). I went to Mr. J. Bonds and to [torn] ons to see what they have done in making the [torn] of Molasses, and I visited old Mrs. Kelly. Breck goes to Boston. At Eve received a Letter from Col. Job Cushing — also two Letters, one of Aug. 22, the other the 31, from Camp at Vanschoicks Island; of Col. Baldwins and his Journal from June 13 to Aug. 24 sent to his wife at Brookfield. Inclosed are Lists of Killed, wounded, taken, with Return of Ammunition, artilery Stores, Cloathing, Baggage, Engineers Tools — taken at Fort Stanwix, Aug. 24. Sold for £1,000.
September 12, 1777
1777 September 12 (Friday). Was called early in the morning to visit a Child of Mr. Samuel Forbush which is thought to be near his End. Went, prayed, etc. Reuben assisted by his uncle Paul, grinds and presses out 4 Gal. (as he says) of the Juice of the Corn stalks. Dr. Stimpson waits on Mrs. Cotton here; they dine with us. The former goes to Sutton, the latter tarries over night with us.
September 12, 1777
1777 September 13 (Saturday). Mr. Forbushs Child dyed [in the?] night; almost 2 Years. Mrs. Cotton dines with us, [and towards Eve?] Dr. Stimpson being come from Sutton they return to Hopkinton.
September 14, 1777
1777 September 14 (Sunday). I preached another sermon on Jer. 8.22. Winslow and Mindwell Brigham, also Molly Pratt, dined here. P.M. on Consideration of the Death of my dear Classmate, the Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Pemberton of Boston, of Rev. Mr. Johnson of Harvard, and that it is so sickly and dying a time among my Neighbours I repeated my Sermon on Eccl. XII.7. But I found when it was too late to alter it that I had repeated it already. For I Should not have done it but through inadvertence. N.B. Capt. Edmund Brigham and a Number of soldiers with him, going to Bennington, desire prayers and I preached to them. After Meeting attended at the House of mourning.
September 15, 1777
1777 September 15 (Monday). Was at Deacon Woods. David Sangor goes to Connecticut to buy Sheep; I gave him six Dollars to buy me some. A Gentleman is there who wants 150 Teams to cart stores to Bennington. At Night Breck returned from Boston. He believes that the Girls are gone to Cape Ann. He says Elias is sick at College — has a Fever, and wants to come home.
September 16, 1777
1777 September 16 (Tuesday). My Son Ebenezers Wife and her son and Daughter Bradshaw came from Shrewsbury here to Breakfast. They are going to Boston etc. Having Squire Whipple’s Horse, I rode to Southborough to Ministers Meeting at Mr. Stone’s. All came except Mr. Goss, who has (we are informed) a Cause at Superior Court to Day. [I was?] chose Moderator. Mr. Stone prayed. He also read a Discourse on Isa. 58.6. May it be accompanied with divine Blessing! Returned at Eve. Received a Letter from Col. Baldwin of Sept. 7.
I have endeavoured as I could to remember this Day is my Birth Day, when I enter upon my 75th year. The Lord impress my Soul with a deep sense of it! Vid. Natal.
September 17, 1777
1777 September 17 (Wednesday). I spent the Day in considerable part, in reviewing some of my peculiar papers, and in serious Reflections.
I find great Reason to be very humble and ashamed. May God graciously pity and pardon me for Christs sake.
September 18, 1777
1777 September 18 (Thursday). I am daily concerned for my Children that are upon so doubtful a Journey, especially my dear Hannah. May God sustain and support her, and grant safe Return! Read in Sir William Temples Memoirs etc. Have received an handsome Letter from serjeant Marble.
September 19, 1777
1777 September 19 (Friday). Am more and more sollicitous about my Children, as it is foul weather from Day to Day: And Elias being ill at College and can have no Wood.
P.M. Mr. Grindal Rawson here — dines — and communicates his Desire of a Council to advise about his Wifes Case relative to the Church of Harvard. But though he sollicits my going, I am obliged to deny. I recommend Mr. Stone; and he went there. Mr. Jonathan Grouts Wife makes us a Visit p.m. and drinks Chocolate.
September 20, 1777
1777 September 20 (Saturday). Abundance of News about a great Battle in the N.W. and many Slain — but tis as [torn] uncertain. P.M. Reuben goes with Cart etc. for Cid[er] from Capt. Kimbal of Grafton. He brings two Barrels and a Bag of Apples from Capt. Brooks.
At Eve came Elias, not well, from Cambridge on an Horse he had hired of one Mr. Jarvis. And with him came, in a Chaise, my Daughter in Law Elizabeth and her Daughter Bradshaw to tarry over the sabbath. N.B. Mrs. Bulah Gale (widow of the late Mr. Jacob Gale) who was 5 months agoe propounded in order to her owning the Covenant but was obliged to go to Hubbards-town, came and gave me an Account of what had hindered her Return; but now desired to proceed to her Duty.
September 21, 1777
1777 September 21 (Sunday). Did not finish my preparations and on Consideration of Several Deaths, especially <of [dear Classmate?] Pemberton> (I see also in one of the Boston News-Papers, an Account of the Death of my Brother Johns Widow, Mrs. Abigail Parkman at Ipswich in her 80th Year), I preach on Heb. 6.12 a. and p.m.
September 22, 1777
1777 September 22 (Monday). Eliza and her Daughter Bradshaw went a.m. to Deacon Bonds. I visited Mrs. Piper and prayed with her. Visited Mr. Eli Whitney and dined there. At Mr. Tainter’s, who remains Weak and confined. Prayed with him. And was at Capt. Morse’s, where was his Father Warrin. At Eve came my Kinsman Loyd and his Daughter Abigail, from Granville, and lodged here. N.B. The two Barrells of Cyder lately bought at Grafton (the price of which was 2 Dollars) were boiled.
September 23, 1777
1777 September 23 (Tuesday). Mrs. Parkman and her Daughter Bradshaw came from Deacon Bonds, and proceeded immediately on their Journey towards home. I Sent a Letter to serjeant Henry Marble. Mr. Loyd and his Daughter leave us to go to Bedford, and to Boston. Miss Ruhamah Brown of Framingham here and dines with us. Is returning home from Leicester. Elias so indisposed he can’t study. Mrs. P________ brews with Spruce and Corn stalks instead of Molasses.
September 24, 1777
1777 September 24 (Wednesday). An unusual Course of Wet Weather for some Days — and to Day a.m. till 11 a.m. — p.m. clear. Major Asa Brigham here. Mr. Tainter brought Peaches and Plums. Cut 3 Pigs and a Calf, gratis. Dined here.
The Sad News of Lord Stirlings Defeat at or near Iron Hill, 15 miles from Philadelphia, confirmed. Elias rides to Capt. Jonathan Fays, p.m. and up to Grafton.
September 25, 1777
1777 September 25 (Thursday). I visited Mrs. Piper again and prayed with her. Master Joseph Hall of Sutton dined here. I rode to the East part — to Mr. Ezra Parkers, and find him Sick of a Fever — to Mr. Belknaps — but neither He nor she at home. Was well refreshed there, not withstanding. Called at Widow Bellows’s and at Mr. William Johnson’s. Visit at Mr. Snows and Mr. Abraham Beemans. N.B. his son Abraham is Sick. At each of these last House, had a Present of a Cheese.
But this Afternoon, while I was abroad, my Daughters Sophy and Hannah with Mr. Noah Hardy returned home from Cape Ann: but [I see?] not Hannah [this?] night. I understand She is more sick and wasted than when she went away. Mr. Cushing came — and lodged here.
September 26, 1777
1777 September 26 (Friday). This Morning I went in to see my Daughter Hannah who I conceive is lower and weaker. God grant His Almighty Grace as her Case requires, and fit her and all of us for His sovereign Pleasure! Principal Officers of the Regiment meet at Brecks: viz. Col. Wheelock, Major Beeman, and Major Champney — Orders being come for every other man of the Militia to march immediately for the further Assistance of the Army in the N.W. Mr. Cushing stays to dine and pray with Hannah, then leaves us to go to Concord in his way to Boston. Major Champney tells me a Report is gone down by Capt. Brewer who is gone hastily to the Courts, that Gen. Burgoyne has been shot and has dy’d. But there are many Reports, said to be certain Truths, which want confirmation. Further informs me that Mr. Stone sat out for Yarmouth, early in the week, his son being very ill, if alive. At Eve came Mr. Bradshaw. Nigh 9 at Night came Mr. Forbes of Cape Ann, with his Wife and son. They all lodge here. Mr. Bradshaw gives me a better bound Eliots Sermons in lieu of what he gave before. Mr. Forbes communicates his Letter from Col. Eveleigh of South Carolina; and thinks Mr. Paine, who is the Author of Common Sense, and an Acquaintance of Col. Evelith’s, is Junius, or at least one of the three which make up that Character which is so celebrated.
September 27, 1777
1777 September 27 (Saturday). Hannah is somewhat comfortable in the morning. Our Company leave us for Brookfield etc. Mr. John Forbes of Rutland on Otter Creek, driven off from his House etc., came here.
By Vertue of the Orders to the Officers the People are called together but the Orders being recommendatory to go out immediately to reenforce Gen. Gates in the N.W. they did not readily comply: For whereas every other man of the Militia was called for, but about 20 appear.
September 28, 1777
1777 September 28 (Sunday). I preached a. and p.m. on Jer. 8.22. Mindwell Brigham and Molly Pratt dined here. After he had dined Breck went to Capt. Maynards, from thence marched to Worcester and Leicester, in his way to Bennington. Col. Wheelock gone also. At Eve Dr. Crosby came to see Hannah, and pursues the Directions of Dr. Plummer.
September 29, 1777
1777 September 29 (Monday). Elias was to have gone back to Cambridge on Saturday last, but is so out of Health that he could not undertake it. I was therefore obliged to go out into my Neighbourhood in quest of somebody to lead down Mr. Jarvis’s Horse, but could not succeed. Hannah pines away more and more. We are ready to despair of her Recovery. Her Mind I hope is suitably employed on the vast Affairs before her. My Heart is much affected with our Troubles. O that it might please God who is most compassionate, to pity us!
September 30, 1777
1777 September 30 (Tuesday). Not having success yesterday in my Endeavours to Send Mr. Jarvis’s Horse, I rode out again to day. Went up to Mr. Joseph Grouts — Capt. Jonathan Fays. Dined at Mr. Elijah Hardys. Visit Capt. Benjamin Fay who is very ill of Fever, Dysentery and Gravel. Discoursed and pray’d with him. No success about the Horse.
At finishing this Month, May I be the more humble by the Reflection etc.!