March 1, 1777

1777 March 1 (Saturday).  My Son and his Neddy Sat out for home (in a large, 2 Horse Sleigh, with a Cargo of Rum etc.) but their Journey will be difficult and long, by reason of the Roads being so blocked up with snow.  At Eve Breck returned from Boston.  He brought a Letter from his Brother Cushing of Feb. 23, which informs that his wife was that Day delivered of a Daughter, which was that Day baptized Sarah — Mother and Child comfortable.  To God be all Glory and Praise!

March 2, 1777

1777 March 2 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on 1 Joh. 4.17, finishing the Subject begun on 1 Cor. 5.8 and carryed on from 1 Joh. 3.21 and other Texts.  Which may it please God to bless and prosper both with the Hearers and the unworthy speaker.  P.M. on Mat. 7.12, using my Expository Exercise on that Passage, with divers additions, etc.  Breck was propounded.  It was a Cold Day and a thin Meeting.  At Eve Breck and Suse with us.  I wrote to Mr. Cushing.

March 3, 1777

1777 March 3 (Monday).  Town-Meeting.  Capt. Morse and Mr. B. Tainter came to request me to go and pray with them.  I complyed.  Mr. Biglow dined with us.  Mr. Joseph Green came to acquaint me with the Death of his sons eldest Child, by a Quincy, and desires me to attend the Funeral tomorrow.  I am informed that the Small Pox increases; that Joseph, Daniel and Lucy Hardy are so under the Symptoms or Fears of it, that they have gone into the House, and into the Room of Infection.  Mr. Benjamin Whipple of Bennington came to see me.  Mr. Jonathan Grout here concerning his supplying me with Malt.  At night the dining-Room Chimney took Fire and burnt out freely; but no Harm.

March 4, 1777

1777 March 4 (Tuesday).  It was Stormy, and the wind and Snow vehement, yet I was carryed in the sleigh to Mr. Greens, the House of Mourning, and prayed.  Breck accompanyed me and drove.


N.B. I wrote a Letter to Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Ruth Fay at Bennington, which I committed to the Care of Mr. Benjamin Whipple, who is soon to go there.

March 9, 1777

1777 March 9 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Amos IV.11, last Clause.  P.M. on occasion of a great Number of persons putting up Notes to desire prayers under their Bereavements I preached on Heb. 2.15.  N.B. Lieut. Hezekiah Ward of Grafton dy’d Suddenly on the 6th.  Mr. Josiah Newton dyed lately at Brookfield.  AEtatis 29.  He received the Small Pox by Inoculation but was seized by a bilious Cholic, which proved fatal to him.  At Eve Breck and Suse.

March 11, 1777

1777 March 11 (Tuesday).  I went to Squire Bakers, but he is gone to his Brother Solomon, who is at Dr. Whites at Holliston by reason of a grievous sore in his Cheek.  Mr. P. Whitney here.  P.M. hear that Mr. Edwards Whipple is very ill with a sore Throat and Canker.  I went immediately to see him — but he was dead before I got to him.  A sorrowful Sudden Death!  The Lord grant I may be ready for my own!  Prayed with the afflicted Mourners.

March 13, 1777

1777 March 13 (Thursday).  Attended the Funeral of Mr. Edwards Whipple, prayed at the House of Mourning — and because the Grave was not finished (by reason of the Stoneyness of the Place the Digger was obliged to try three times) I spent Some time in Exhortation to the Company who were at the House.  Mr. Whipple was a Member of our Church — a principal Singer — dyed in the 55th year of his Age.

March 16, 1777

1777 March 16 (Sunday).  In the morning came Mr. Elijah Hardy and informs that Since Day light his Brother Constantine dyed — but it was by means of the Dysentery setting in with the Small Pox.  Another, and very worthy, member of this Church hereby taken away from us!  Help, Lord!  Mr. Kendal preached a.m. on Joh. 12.36, former part.  P.M. he preached on Rom. 8.3.4.  My son Breck was admitted into the Church.  I appointed the Communion and the Lecture.  N.B. Mrs. Maynard and Mr. James Bellows’s Wife, also Miss Nabby Woods, dined here.  Mr. Kendal and Breck, after the public Exercises, went to Mr. Hardys to assist in the Interment of Mr. Constantine.

March 17, 1777

1777 March 17 (Monday).  Rode into the South part of the Town, to visit divers Familys, viz. Capt. Morse, under pain and Confinement by reason of the Fall of a Pole, loaded with Raw Hides, which knocked him down.  Discoursed and prayed with him; and I dined there.  Went to Mr. Phinehas Forbes’s — to Mrs. Bowmans — her Husband in the Service: and to Mr. Isaac Adams’s, whose Wife had a Son born to day, after many years (10 or 11) ceasing to bear.  But (as was my principal Design) visited, comforted and prayed with Mrs. Mindwell Hardy, Widow of the late Mr. Constantine Hardy.  Found her in a good, Sedate, Pious, resigned, though very afflicted, Frame.  Was at Mr. Elisha Forbes’s; and at Mr. Joseph Harringtons, where I supped.  At home found my Daughter Hannah ill: her Face greatly Swelled and pained.  Mr. Kendal lodges here.  Received a Letter from Mr. Quincy of Feb. 27 and 28 in answer to mine concerning the Defection of the Philadelphian Farmer.

March 20, 1777

1777 March 20 (Thursday).  Mr. Kendal rode with me over to Northborough Lecture.  We dined at Mr. Whitneys.  Mr. Sumner and Mr. [blank] Fairbank (called at North Shrewsbury) were there.  The latter preached on Isa. 28.16 — “Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation, a Stone” etc.  Mr. Whitneys Chimney took Fire and the Roof was kindled, but soon extinguished.  We returned at Eve, though it was difficult by reason of Rain, cold Wind, and mudd[y Roads?].


As I was in the Evening in my Chamber about 9 o’Clock and going [torn] to [torn], I was taken with Faintness, and at the Door [illegible] as a Log.  Mr. Kendal, and soon the rest [torn] [illegible] I had fallen against the Conk-shell and wo[torn] Head, breaking a part of the Shell; also the Candlestick which [torn]nd, was bent etc. etc., but through the Goodness of God I came to [torn] a little space.  Mr. Kendal prayed and I went to Bed and [torn] freshed and Comforted.  Blessed be God for His sparing [torn] May I take Warning — Wait and watch as one that is Ever Ready for the Coming of my Lord!

March 21, 1777

1777 March 21 (Friday).  Through the great Goodness and Longsuffering of God I am in a comfortable state, and able to attend to my Studys.  All Praise is due to God my Preserver and Strengthener!  Mr. Kendal with us Still.  P.M. Mrs. Beulah Gale, widow of the late Jacob Gale, was here to discourse with me, in order to having her Children baptized: but I chiefly directed her to look to her own state, her Qualifications for giving up herself to God.  Directed and encouraged her to Seek the true Knowledge of God, true Faith, Repentance and a Spirit of Holiness etc.

March 22, 1777

1777 March 22 (Saturday).  Mr. Kendal was willing to stay and help me on the Sabbath approching, but I thought I might venture to undertake, by leave and help from God, to perform the Services, and therefore inclined that he should go to Grafton and preach for Mr. Grosvenor.  P.M. he went.  My Daughter in law, Kezia, came from Leicester, and goes to FraminghamJonathan Marble, twin Brother of Henry, came and lodges.  He has come from my Daughter Baldwins where he lives: and he tells me she is but poorly: is much upon the Bed.

March 23, 1777

1777 March 23 (Sunday).  My preparations for Preaching being in such Readiness that my mind was much at rest; though my Body was feeble and my Animal Spirits were but weak.  I entered upon the important work, I hope in the Fear of God and in the Faith of Jesus Christ (as I humbly hope).  A.M. my Text was Rom. 8.1.  P.M. Text was [blot]. 4.11, latter part, which may God graciously bless!  And as the holy Supper was administered may God be pleased to accept our Offerings and help us to fulfill our vows!  N.B. my son Breck was now first at the Communion.  [Elijah Brigham?], Cousen Maynard and Jonathan Marble dined here.  At Eve came Miss [Nabby?] Woods and lodges here.  Breck and Suse and Billy with us at noon [and Evening?].  Received a Letter from Mr. Moore, which acquaints me with his designed Marriage to Miss Nancy Hammond of Newport.

March 24, 1777

1777 March 24 (Monday).  I have been but feeble and faint, yet having been carryed through the various Exercises of the sabbath and of the Sacrament, as also of the Family, through the great Goodness of God, I render praise to His glorious Name.  The Marbles go to [Upton?].  I light of one Thomas Snow of Oxford, and [illegible and torn] to work for me.  The Town Meet [torn] they shall do about raising Men whether there s[hould be?] Hospital for Inoculation etc.  As to this last ther[torn] Vote.

March 25, 1777

1777 March 25 (Tuesday).  Mr. Kendal com[torn], Mr. Cushing from Ashburnham and my Daughter in la[torn] Framingham.  They all lodge here.  N.B. Breck went to [Boston this morning?] Major Wheelock with him.  Henry Marble and Phinehas Brigham dine here, as does Jonathan Marble.  N.B. I payd the two former, 3 Dollars for their thrashing my Rye.  They all go to Brookfield.

March 27, 1777

1777 March 27 (Thursday).  I hear the Ordination at Shrewsbury was put off.  I rode to Southborough on Mr. Ebenezer Forbushs Horse to See Mr. Stone and his Family.  Mr. Stone informed me that his Daughter Rice was thought to be dying and that he, being sent for, was riding there, but the Horse stumbled and threw him, by which he was sadly bruised — and was blooded.  His Daughter Joanna very ill of a Fever, and keeps her Bed.  But it was Lecture Day, and Mr. Stone could not go out.  However, Mr. Wheaten from Framingham was there and preached.  Text Joh. 3.3.  N.B. Col. Buckminster accompanyed Mr. Wheaton and dined with us.  By Desire I prayed with Miss Joanna.  In my returning I visited the three Widows Gale; I also called in to see old Mr. Gale and his Wife, confined by their Infirmitys.  Am now informed that Mr. Fairbank was Ordained this Day.  Mr. Cushing goes to Shrewsbury — But