1775 February 27 (Monday). Deacon Wood informs me that his Sister Mellen dyed last Saturday nigh night, very Suddenly, when she had not wholly recovered from the Small Pox: and was buryed after the Exercises Yesterday.
Our Church met by Adjournment. The Business on which we met may be Seen in the Records. After the Affair of Mr. S. Fay, I Spake to the Church for some time; and at different times, urged the unseasonableness, groundlessness, unprofitableness of holding Meetings at such a Day as this is, concerning Church Government etc. — but the Request of Mrs. Susan. Harrington was the most troublesome — for although I condescended to Admitt her as one that had joined with the Church of Bolton while it was in good Order, and on consideration that she had walked soberly and Orderly (for ought we knew); her Lot also being cast among us; yet this [my?] Benevolent Charity was refused. A Number of Persons insisted upon her being admitted according to her Petition. I put it to Vote, expressing previously how, and how only, I could receive her; it passed Affirmatively. N.B. Capt. Brigham, Tainter, Joseph Harrington, and Eli Whitney, were peculiarly Difficult. When I challenged the Rights of Conscience for my Self, and that I should administer to Mrs. Harrington in the manner I had expressed, Eli Whitney rose up and said, “there was no Conscience in it.” I took no other Notice of it at that time, than to say, that what I should do, would be out of Conscience. But I spoke to him after Meeting. I hope he said so, only in the way of Arguing and debating the Matter. I could not avoid adjournment because of Mr. S. Fays Affair. It was to the first Monday in April.