February 22, 1775

1775 February 22 (Wednesday).  Mr. Ames goes to Dedham etc.  I wrote by him to Mr. Gordon.  Mr. Clark returns to Ashburnham.  Wrote by him to Mr. Cushing.  Went to Mr. Samuel Fays.  Took Deacon Wood with me.  Old Mr. Whitney came to us.  Mr. Fay was not at home.  We waited, but he did not come.  We came away.  N.B. Mr. Whitneys Conversation on the Road was extremely contradictory.  Sometimes in flat and plain Terms.  It was with reference to the Petition of the 11 Brethren, and the Bolton Affairs.  Mr. Jonathan Forbes was here at Eve.  He brought 44 lbs. of Cheese, at 2/2 old Tenor per pound.  Gave him an order to Constable Martin Pratt, of £4.15.4 old Tenor.  He discourses with me about his own and his Wife’s joining to the Church.