February 20, 1775

1775 February 20 (Monday).  Visit Mrs. Joanna Fay, who has a Fever and Canker.  Prayed there.  Visit Joseph Grout junior — discoursed and prayed with him.  At home a Number of young Women, Viz. Betty Bevil, Bulah Jones and her sister, came here.  Hannah rides with them to Mr. Morse’s.  N.B. Mr. Edmund Chamberlin here, and excepts against the Churches accepting Mrs. Eunice Rice’s Confession, because it has not the name of the Sin expressed in it: Adultery.  Mr. Phinehas Gleason here, much affected with these awfully threatning Times.  N.B. Town Meeting on many Accounts, viz. whether they shall pay Minute Men; Contribution to Relief of Boston etc.