February 15, 1775

1775 February 15 (Wednesday).  Mr. Stone to Southborough.  I drew up Six Reasons for my being offended with the aggrieved or disquieted Members in Bolton.  Attended the Funeral of Mrs. Lamb, wife of Mr. Isaac Lamb: of 19 last August.  A Sorrowfull Burying!  At Eve came Mr. Jonathan Forbes to talk with me about his Duty.  Lt. Baker came also.  Forbes gave way that I Should be with Baker, but before we broke off, he went away.  N.B. In Conversation with Lieutenant I communicated what I have Writ in Six Articles, against the Disquieted in Bolton; bearing Date of Yesterday.  He Seemed to be very much of my Mind in some parts of it, particularly their Pitching upon that part of the Council to ordain Mr. Walley, who were known to be of their Mind, and had prejudged the Case.  N.B. Mr. James Godfrey and his Wife, Cousen Davis with their Babys, Mr. Joseph White and his sister Abigail, came P.M. in a Sleigh — Suse Brigham here also.  Miss Abigail White Stays here over night.