June 21, 1774

1774 June 21 (Tuesday).  I was by various Incidents Sadly hindered in going to Ministers Meeting at Southborough, but got there before noon.  My not coming was the hindrance of Observing the Day as a Time of Fasting — but it was improved as a season of more repeated and enlarged Supplication on consideration of the public Distresses.  Mr. Stones Sermon was on Prov. 16.7.  A very suitable and quickening Discourse.  May God bless it to all of us! To me especially!  And may it please the Lord to be reconciled to us and hear our prayers!  At Eve when I was got home came Mr. Charles Lawrence of Ashby to buy my Land there.  I wrote by him to Mr. Cushing concerning it, and what offers he makes etc.  Mr. Hancock, the Taylor lodges here.