1772 November 10 (Tuesday). Early in the Morning Mrs. P________ and I sat out on single Horses, for Rochester, in Company with Mr. Eleazer Barrow, who came for us. Mrs. P________ was favoured with a good Horse by Deacon Wood. In Hopkinton, beyond Mr. Caryls, my Horse fell and threw me off. My right Foot was unhappily under his side, crush’d so as to be bruised and sprained. But we called to see Mr. Barrett (who was become very weak, and chiefly confined to his Bed), and Mrs. Barrett was so kind as to bath and bind up my Foot, and with Barrows Boots on my Leggs, rode on — to Mr. Fitch’s. Left my Horse with him; he readily granting His. Called at Mr. Prentice’s at Holliston, who is confined with the Gout. Proceeded to Mr. Bucknams (by help of Mr. John Leland who piloted us through the difficult way), and we dined there. Oated at Man’s Tavern in Wrentham past 3 p.m. Arrived at Eve at Mr. Palmers at Norton, and lodged there.