December 31, 1770

1770 December 31 (Monday).  Mr. Benjamin Brigham returns from Douglass; he has received a Call there, and a subscription to add to his Settlement.  He seems greatly perplexed, by reason of their Importunity, he having received a Call from Monadnock No. 4, where he seems most inclined to go.  At Eve came Mr. John Harvey of Southborough and lodges here.  He is full of Chymistry, Mines and Minerals; Separations of Metals, and appears very much of an Adept.  But I desire to close the Year with Serious Reflections!  Humbling my Self for my Negligence and unprofitableness; imploring Forgiveness through the Mediation of Jesus Christ!  And O that I might be ready for the closing up of my Life it Self.  The Awful Day approching, may I be always in readiness for it!