October 29, 1769

1769 October 29 (Sunday).  Mrs. Rice (Relict of Rev. Mr. Caleb Rice of Sturbridge) from Taunton, came this morning in her Chaise, to keep Sabbath with us.  Read Ezek. 7.  Preached on Tit. 1.1, “according to the Faith of Gods Elect.”  Improved the chief of Sermon IV. on Gal. 5.6, omitting in p. 26, 27, and otherwhere but adding as was useful and proper.  P.M. Read 2 Cor. 6.  Preached on 2 Cor. 4.4.  Mr. Samuel Hardy of Brookfield, Mrs. Rice aforesaid, Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard dined with us.  Mrs. Rice lodged here.