October 19, 1769

1769 October 19 (Thursday).  Ezra had come with two Horses.  One of them was a Young Horse of one Mr. Haskels, recommending him to me.  But they both got out of my Inclosure and we feared they were gone home.  John got an Horse at Mr. Nurse’s and pursued to Shrewsbury.  In the mean time Deacon Bond had taken ‘em up Nigh his House, and came with them.  I viewed and rode the Said young Horse; also I took Such Advice as I could; and concluded to have him, though it is a Venture, at so little Acquaintance with him: but I can’t well do otherwise since he is So strongly recommended by Mr. Forbes, who has writ to me about him.  The Terms are £100 old Tenor to be Paid in two months.  Before I consented, I rode to Lt. Baker and consulted him, both about the Horse and about the Pay.  Ezra assures me the Age is 3 Years only, last July.  And the Letter says he is warranted Sound.  Ezra and Polly leave us.  P.M. Preached to the Young Men from Prov. 14.7, to page 8, to a thin meeting both of the Society and of other People.  But may God bless the Exercise to Such of us as could attend!  My son John seems to be much indisposed, but went to Meeting.  He has greatly exerted himself in our Harvest-Work.