July 23, 1767

1767 July 23 (Thursday).  Capt. Jonas Brigham comes here, and is full of wrath and hard Speeches, laying upon me, most undeservedly, the late transactions of the Church about Mrs. A. as if I had contrived the Vote for the Committee and as if I had assisted them in drawing up their Report — whereas I was very far from both.  After many very bitter words (calling me a Wicked Man — charged me with falsehoods — and that I did not lead the Church (at the Meeting) as I had promised at Mr. A’s) he told me he was come to deliver his mind to me and leave it with me; but because he could not prove things against me, he Should come to his Duty — meaning I suppose to the Lords Supper.  O that God would graciously be pleased to sanctifie this very sore Tryal to me; and help me, in so much the Closer and faithfuller self-search!  May the Lord Pity this poor unhappy Brother and pardon him!  For what a frame he is otherwise like to come to the sacrament in!  Mr. Cushing has finished his school and to Day he leaves us and goes to live at his Mothers.  P.M. I visit old Mrs. Byles and pray with her.  She has a Rose Cancer.  In the night Mr. Haden brings a Receipt from my Brother Samuel of the Jo’s Mr. Rice carryed to him: but he left my Watch.