July 21, 1767

1767 July 21 (Tuesday).  Mr. Wyeth visits up in the street; dines at Capt. Woods.  N.B. Capt. Wood had been here and killed a fine Calf for me.  The Quarters weighed 72 lb.  The skin 10 lb.  P.M. Mr. Wyeth offered to go with me to the Funeral of Mr. Artemas Bruce’s young Child, and went accordingly.  When returned he went in to Mr. Zebulun Rice’s, and came not to me again, but lodged somewhere among the Neighbours.  N.B. My Neighbours are employed in reading Mr. Cleavelands Book entitled “A short and plain Narrative of the late work of Gods Spirit at Chebacco in Ipswich” etc.  Received 3 Jo’s from Capt. Maynard per John.