November 8, 1766

1766 November 8 (Saturday).  All Praise be given to God who has preserved this Church and Me the unw[orthy?] Pastor, this Day two and forty years.  O that I might be duely affected with the divine Goodness, which has endured us with much Longsuffering!  May I be deeply humbled for my barrenness and unprofitableness!  Quickened more and more in the Lords Work;  and be duely prepared for the Coming of the Lord!  Deacon Tainter cutt and carted a Load of Wood from Mr. Moses Brigham’s Lot: and gave it.  He dined here.  John carrys two Baggs of soft Corn for my steer that [is] fatting at Mr. Jonathan Grout.  Deacon carrys two Baggs more.  At Eve Mr. Forbes came from Boston.  He brought me a Letter from Venerable Mr. Chipman of Beverly — In which he Certifies me concerning the Separate society at Chebacco and Mr. Cleavelands Conduct — and another Letter added to it and Confirming it, subscribed by my old Friend Mr. Champney of Beverly also.