November 6, 1766

1766 November 6 (Thursday).  Mr. Forbes leaves us to go to Boston.  P.M. Mrs. Rebecca Warrin here, and Mr. Cushing writes her Evidence about the Discourse which Mr. Andrews and I had at the Widow Newtons Aug. 2, 1763.  John is about again.  Attended the Church Meeting, which was by Adjournment because Mrs. Andrews was not present — but She was now not only Absent, but designedly, and gone a Journey, as Several members (Brother Gale, Brother Belknap etc.) testifyed.  The meeting was opened with prayer and I read part of Ch. X of the Platform etc., viz. from [section?] 7 to the End.  Then I laid before the Church divers Things concerning the Excellency and Necessity of Order, and of unity.  Mentioned several Maxims and observations to be attended to in Church-proceedings etc.  After which proposed our Business at this Meeting, but resented this womans Behavior in so imposing upon the Church.  I took the Opportunity to exhibit to the Church, the very beginning of this Contest — supporting what I asserted by the Testimony of Mrs. Rebecca Warrin, wife of Mr. Timothy Warrin, which was read.  And was confirmed by the Testimony of Squire Whipple who said that he heard the same words at the Same Time.  I laid before the Church somewhat of the Pains I had for a long time, taken with those persons, by Visits, Letters etc., the ungrateful and hard Treatment I met with from them and observed how Cruel it would be for any of the Church to support and encourage them in it.  I marked the Inconsistency and absurdity of this persons putting in this Request for Communion with us, when, she at the same time, declared to divers Members that She was not in Charity with the Pastor.  Deacon Tainter and Mr. David Maynard testifyed to her saying “She did not believe I had a Spark of Grace in me; She could never see the Signs of any”; or to that Purpose.  Again, I could not but observe to the Church (besides the foresaid Imposition) this Conduct of hers in not coming to Meeting to Day, seeing She knew the Meeting was adjourned on purpose that she might be here, and a messenger was sent her to acquaint her with it that She might not fail to come.  Besides, it was Suggested, how necessary it was that a Person Petitioning, Should be present to Answer diverse Questions which might be put with much Reason – some of which Questions were mention’d, to Shew the expediency of her being here.  After some time, Our Debates slid into the Case of the Society from whence she came — and the irregular proceedings of it.  N.B. when it was asserted that the Church of the Hamlet had Communion with them, Mr. Wigglesworth’s long Letter was read, for the main part; and his sons Testimony given me in writing last month was read also.  Some Members (as Capt. Brigham, Brother Daniel Forb. and Brother Chamberlin) spake in Defence of Cleavelands late Preaching — but I endeavoured to convince them of the Disorder and Irregularity of this Practice.  [Here a Greek word or two.] 1 Pet. 4.15.  To bring Things to a Close, it was moved and Seconded that the Petition be dismissed.  Squire Whipple offered a written Vote which would have been, probably, more effectual; and it was read: but the former was repeatedly urged, and was Voted pritty generally.  The Other Article of the Meeting was mentioned and somewhat spoke to, but it was late.  I prayed and gave the Blessing.  Thus we went through this Affair without much Heat; May we be preserved from all further Disturbance about this Woman!  And may God be praised and glorifyed for ever!  Mr. Cushing, his Sister Bridget, Miss Mary Stone at Tea — and afterwards came in Mr. Hutchinson.  In the Evening Squire Barnard and Mr. Holland from Sutton, with Letters Missive for a Council there; but I refused to go, or take the Letter.